G r a t i t u d e * S u n d a y
{Sunday’s heartfelt tradition. A time to slow down, to reflect, to be grateful. A list of gratitudes.}
If you would like to join us, see below.
If you would like to join us, see below.
Our gratefulness feeds one another.
Throughout the week I’ve felt grateful for:
-Seeing Bracken’s tiny palm grasping Jeff’s finger while they napped next to each other. That was a sweet sight indeed.
-Getting some starts planted in the ground before the rain came. They looked so happy to get their roots soaked.
-Quiet moments to myself, no matter how brief.
-Seeing Jeff follow his inspiration when he needed to write. I know that feeling and it’s so good to get it out.
-Putting time and energy into making a good meal. Then adding fresh basil from the farmer’s market, which added a special touch.
-Not needing to water the garden since the rain did it for us. Thanks rain!
-Getting some starts planted in the ground before the rain came. They looked so happy to get their roots soaked.
-Quiet moments to myself, no matter how brief.
-Seeing Jeff follow his inspiration when he needed to write. I know that feeling and it’s so good to get it out.
-Putting time and energy into making a good meal. Then adding fresh basil from the farmer’s market, which added a special touch.
-Not needing to water the garden since the rain did it for us. Thanks rain!
-Being cozy inside on a rainy day. Then breaks in the rain to take walks/get fresh air with Bracken and Jeff and get some pictures for Etsy.
-Knowing in my heart that I’m walking my path, doing what I’m meant to be doing.
-Stopping in the middle of a project to “go with the flow” when Bracken made a request. Normally, I would have insisted finishing the project first. I was glad I chose to be flexible in that moment because it was best for everybody.
-Being okay with the fact that I didn’t get as much cleaning completed as I would have liked before my mom’s arrival. (But fresh, clean sheets and a vase of spring flowers by the bed goes a long way I think.)
-Bracken’s sleep times. There were some rough times this week with teething (molars- youch!), being cooped up on rainy days (our brief trips outside weren’t enough to satisfy Bracken), and more. I needed his sleeping times to have some quiet calm and regenerate.
-Learning things that don’t work. Sounds funny, but it’s an important part of the learning process to discover what does work.
-A good long talk with my sister. Soul family is such a gift.
-Surprise sales when we were feeling stressed about money.
-Having my mom’s help at market! She and Bracken mostly walked around during the times that Jeff and I set up and tore down the booth. Bracken happily exhausted those little legs I think and he was beaming with excitement.
-Making it through the market day without a drop of rain, when it sure looked like it was going to. It was nice being dry and the sun even came out a little at the end of the day to warm us up.
-A trade for vegetables. They were beautiful. When Jeff saw them he even said “Wow! Where did these vegetables come from? They’re beautiful!”
-Sweet and crunchy spring carrots.
-Uncontrollable laughter on the ride home. We all contributed to the conversation with our “silly voices” and that was quite entertaining.
-Warm bath followed by cozy jamis. A good end to the day.
-Knowing in my heart that I’m walking my path, doing what I’m meant to be doing.
-Stopping in the middle of a project to “go with the flow” when Bracken made a request. Normally, I would have insisted finishing the project first. I was glad I chose to be flexible in that moment because it was best for everybody.
-Being okay with the fact that I didn’t get as much cleaning completed as I would have liked before my mom’s arrival. (But fresh, clean sheets and a vase of spring flowers by the bed goes a long way I think.)
-Bracken’s sleep times. There were some rough times this week with teething (molars- youch!), being cooped up on rainy days (our brief trips outside weren’t enough to satisfy Bracken), and more. I needed his sleeping times to have some quiet calm and regenerate.
-Learning things that don’t work. Sounds funny, but it’s an important part of the learning process to discover what does work.
-A good long talk with my sister. Soul family is such a gift.
-Surprise sales when we were feeling stressed about money.
-Having my mom’s help at market! She and Bracken mostly walked around during the times that Jeff and I set up and tore down the booth. Bracken happily exhausted those little legs I think and he was beaming with excitement.
-Making it through the market day without a drop of rain, when it sure looked like it was going to. It was nice being dry and the sun even came out a little at the end of the day to warm us up.
-A trade for vegetables. They were beautiful. When Jeff saw them he even said “Wow! Where did these vegetables come from? They’re beautiful!”
-Sweet and crunchy spring carrots.
-Uncontrollable laughter on the ride home. We all contributed to the conversation with our “silly voices” and that was quite entertaining.
-Warm bath followed by cozy jamis. A good end to the day.
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What have you felt grateful for throughout your week?
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