It’s been awhile seen I’ve done an ‘Around The Garden’ post. The weather here has been idyllic lately and we’ve been wanting to spend every moment outside (especially Bracken), but we’ve got lots that needs doing indoors so we take regular breaks to venture outside (and get some quick weeding done.)
Are you ready to see a bunch of pictures?
Here are a few things in the garden….
Maybe the birds will share this year? Or maybe we’ll put them all in one spot next year and use bird netting.
Bleeding Hearts.
Aren’t they such an amazing flower?
The ones above we are letting go to seed. The rest we’ve been eating as fast as we grow.
Apple Blossoms.
With all the gorgeous weather during prime-blooming time, we’re hoping for a good apple turnout this year.
Ah yes, more pictures of these.
Plum Blossoms.
How sweet and dainty they are. The plum tree didn’t get pruned this year. On the list for next year.
We’re letting many of them go to seed. I love the purple bursts all over the garden.
Our family loves this herb. We’re planting it like crazy this year.
We’re growing a culinary variety again this year and also trying a new one especially for smudging bundles.
Calendulas opened this week! I used the first ones in a photo shoot with our lip balms (because the pictures I had of them, prior to beautiful garden herbs growing, were boring.) Now the lip balms look so much more beautiful in the shop. We’re growing a lot of calendula this year, since we use so much in salves and balms.
We love this curled variety.
We eat lots of this in our salads. (And Jeff juices it sometimes too.)
We let this plant over-winter and now go to seed. I love feathery fennel, it’s such a beautiful and sweet plant.
We planted two varieties this year – Purpurea and Augustafolia.
We planted lots of varieties of spearmint and peppermint this year. One of my favorite smells. And we use a lot in tea.
We call them faery flowers.
Planted here and there throughout the garden.
Been growing for years and we haven’t harvested it yet. But we will.
Seeing as we typically eat one salad a day, we need to plant a lot more lettuce.
We’re letting this plant go to seed. We’ve got a whole tray of chard starts in the greenhouse to plant.
So beautiful when it starts blooming and we use it in our Magical Healing Salve.
From last year. Letting it go to seed. Jeff loves to flavor foods with celery seed.
Ah, collards, we love you! (We eat a lot of greens!)
Been eating this in salads. (Jeff juices this sometimes too.)
Concords. Can’t wait to put these babies in the ground!
We’re going to plant these underneath our two apple trees. I read they repel bugs that mess up your apples, so we’re going to try it this year.
Set aside for barefeet instead. (With a background of leaves from last fall that we used for mulch.)
We planted green and golden. And some patty pan squash too.
Just about to open.
Been weeding around the lavender. It all needs to be pruned badly (which I neglected to do in the fall.) That’s piles of kindling drying behind it.
They grow wild here, in all different colors. They are so tropical looking and always breathtaking.
Just opened yesterday. Bracken keeps going over to smell them.
Grows wild here. We just looked up what it was today.
They’re so white, they pop against their green background.
The little flower buds are so cute. Will be blooming soon.
The abundance of blueberry flowers this year are enough to make a blueberry lover weep with joy.
St. John’s Wort.
Is growing like crazy (like usual.) It grows wild here. We use it in our salves too.
Deliciously sweet herb. I picked the tops off this morning. We’ll dehydrate them and use them in sun teas.
There are a lot of snakes in the garden this year and even though I know none of them are poisonous and they’re all rather small, I am still startled every time one slithers by my foot. We haven’t had much luck with asparagus so far. We’re still waiting to harvest the garlic. There’s a bazillion starts in the greenhouse that need to go in the ground.
What I didn’t show you on this garden tour are all the weeds. All the piles of projects. But that’s okay. This garden is always a work in progress and the rewards are sweet.
What’s growing in your May garden? Or windowsill? What would you like to grow?
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