Today I’m joining Ginny’s Yarn Along, sharing what I’m knitting and reading.
I can’t get enough pictures of lilacs these days. When I had buttons to photograph for the shop this week, I took some pictures next to lilacs and some others with calendula flowers (it added some beautiful color to the pictures and made the shop look more cheery.) So today, I took my Yarn Along picture next to lilacs also.
Nothing too exciting to report this week in terms of knitting and reading. I’m still working on knitting (during every car ride, even when we just go to the local post office) the bag that will eventually get felted. I started needlefelting a little head for that finger puppet from last week, during Bracken’s nap the other day. It was so small that I wasn’t able to get much detail on the face. Creating the details on the face is one of my very favorite parts when needlefelting wooly creatures.
I’m still reading ‘Love To Water The Soul.’ It’s been slow going because by the time I get Bracken to sleep these days and write my gratitude list, I’m too sleepy to read anything but a few pages. But I’m enjoying those few pages I do read.
Onto more exciting news… I joined Ravelry! You can find me here. I’m still learning my way around there, figuring out how it all works, and have yet to add any projects, but I have been so inspired seeing other people’s projects. Whenever I am wondering what to knit next, I can just pop over there and be filled with knitting inspiration. Are any of you on Ravelry?
Any fun knitting projects lately? Any good reads?
P.S. Been enjoying reading your comments from yesterday’s post. Thank you for sharing.
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