G r a t i t u d e * S u n d a y
{Sunday’s heartfelt tradition. A time to slow down, to reflect, to be grateful. A list of gratitudes.}
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If you would like to join us, see below.
Our gratefulness feeds one another.
Throughout the week I’ve felt grateful for:
-Beauty all around when I take the time to notice. Like the dainty purple comfrey flowers above.
-The satisfaction from harvesting in the garden.
-A Sunday afternoon nap last weekend. So heavenly. When Bracken went down for his nap, I joined him. It’s rare for me to nap and when I do, I appreciate it so much.
-The moment of hearing the first raindrops falling on the roof, right before falling asleep.
-The sound of thunder. I love that sound. One of my favorite things about when I lived in the midwest (that and the fireflies.)
-Frog song in the rain. (Remember Jeff speaking in frog in this video?) And seeing happy frogs hopping around the pond.
-How much cleaning the house makes us all feel better.
-My intuition guiding me to get out a pen and paper and start drawing and doodling again. Then getting out my colored pencils for the first time in a long time and enjoying some much-needed creative time during Bracken’s nap.
-Laundry on the line. Some bursts of sunshine. Pulling some weeds.
-Getting my giveaway package in the mail! Thanks to SouleMama blog and A Child’s Dream Come True, I was able to pick out three books (by Amanda Soule) on my wish list with the gift certificate I won! “The Rhythm of Family” (haven’t read yet), “Handmade Home”, and “The Creative Family” (both I’ve read from the library, but really wanted my own copies.) So grateful!
-Getting our wheelbarrow tire fixed for a good deal at the local bike shop. So nice to have a good, working wheelbarrow again!
-Bracken’s giggles while we played with some puppies in town. What a heavenly sound his bubbling laughter is!
-Being reminded to bring my attention back to center, to gratitude, when I was complaining too much.
-Using some tools from my Clearing the Energy post. Smudging the house, getting some major cleaning done, epsom salt bath, journaling…. it worked wonders! I felt much more like myself again.
-Making it a priority to care for myself. When I do, I have much more patience, and grouchy mama/wife transforms into a much happier version.
-My cousin calling out of the blue. It was a nice surprise to hear his voice.
-The smell of chicken baking in the oven.
-Setting the intention to be calm and relaxed at times when I tend to get tense and stressed. Breathing deeply helped a lot (like yesterday when I accidentally spilled the rest of the incredible lunch Jeff packed for us all over the ground. I could have cried, instead I said “oh well.”)
-Bracken’s delight yesterday while we watched the kids on the market stage playing the marimbas. He was dancing, clapping, making friends with all the little ones around him, and even got so happy with the music he started squealing with joy.
-Selling two wool purses at market yesterday!! I was so thrilled and it inspired me to make some more.
-A good market day with some fun trades, gorgeous weather, fresh strawberries, farmer’s market veggies, and friends visiting.
-The smell of chicken baking in the oven.
-Setting the intention to be calm and relaxed at times when I tend to get tense and stressed. Breathing deeply helped a lot (like yesterday when I accidentally spilled the rest of the incredible lunch Jeff packed for us all over the ground. I could have cried, instead I said “oh well.”)
-Bracken’s delight yesterday while we watched the kids on the market stage playing the marimbas. He was dancing, clapping, making friends with all the little ones around him, and even got so happy with the music he started squealing with joy.
-Selling two wool purses at market yesterday!! I was so thrilled and it inspired me to make some more.
-A good market day with some fun trades, gorgeous weather, fresh strawberries, farmer’s market veggies, and friends visiting.
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What have you felt grateful for throughout your week?
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