These are pictures I took of Bracken in the garden last week.
Digging with concentration (despite his mama taking pictures. I can’t help myself, you parents know what I mean, right?)
Most of the time, I have a hard time keeping hats on Bracken, but he loves his sunhat and kept putting it on all by himself.
He’s our little garden boy. Always happiest when he’s outside.
Garden Updates:
We have the worst mole problem we’ve ever had this year. Years past, they’ve even killed fruit trees when digging all around the roots. This year, Jeff has planted starts in the ground only to have them entirely disappear the next morning into the holes. Everywhere you walk in the yard are squishy mole tunnels. Yikes.
More starts in the ground:
Nasturtiums under the apple trees, three varieties of zucchini (green, yellow, striped), patty pan squash, two varieties of cucumbers, lettuce, kale, chard, mugwort, coreopsis. Still so many more starts that still need to be planted, but we’re making progress.
Lots of weeding done.
Clamatis Blooming.
On Saturday we got some work done in the garden and made a mental note of what needed to be harvested. Sunday morning we harvested.
We started with the comfrey patch, which was the biggest it’s ever been this year.
Our Sunday morning harvest turned into a giant pile of green. Luckily, we had plenty of good-as-new boxes we’d grabbed when the store down the road threw them out. We harvested comfrey, nettles (too old for fresh eating, but great for tea), plantain, lemonbalm, lettuce, oregano, parsley, arugula, chard, kale, catnip, peppermint and spearmint.
Our house if full of drying herbs right now.
Today it’s raining and the starts are loving it. We’ve got lots to do indoors, getting ready for market next weekend, but Bracken keeps crying by the door to go outside again. So we take outdoor breaks here and there. It’s a challenge to get anything done indoors when the only place little man wants to be is outdoors. Most of the time that’s where we all want to be, but on a rainy day I’m pretty content to be inside where the warmth from the morning’s fire is still keeping the house cozy.
What are you growing?
Have you had any experience with moles in your garden?
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