Today’s giveaway is brought to you by Wooly Moss Roots Sponsor- Armadillo Dreams.
I remember the first time I came across the Armadillo Dreams shop on Etsy. Simply put, I adored it! Their toys were just emanating with handmade love and their shop felt warm, happy, and welcoming! And the choices? So many wonderful things! Colorful and natural wood alike. And the prices? Wow, such incredibly good deals for all the work that goes into making each toy! If you’ve been looking for affordable wooden toys that are lovingly handmade and support a hardworking family, check out their lovely shop!
I’ve been enjoying getting to know the makers behind these magical toys a little better and what a delightful family they are! Friendly, down to earth people, who love what they do.
Now I’ll let you get to know Dustin, Amanda, Lucy and Lincoln, and learn more about what they do.
Now I’ll let you get to know Dustin, Amanda, Lucy and Lincoln, and learn more about what they do.
I asked Dustin to introduce their family and business. In Dustin’s words:
About us:
Hi Wooly Moss Roots readers! My name is Dustin. I own/run Armadillo Dreams with my wife Amanda. We are really excited to be sponsors of such a great blog, especially fellow Oregonians! We have lived in Central Oregon most of our lives. I met Amanda during sophomore year in high school. After graduation we moved to Portland, Oregon for about 3 years and then moved back. We got married in 2004, had our daughter Lucy in 2007 and had our son Lincoln in 2010.
{Pictured below: Dustin & Lucy, Amanda & Lincoln}
How we started:
Armadillo Dreams started in late 2010. We started the shop after I discovered a passion for woodworking. I completed a backyard chicken coop/run in the summer and was looking for new woodworking projects. We always wanted more wooden toys for our children, but we didn’t have a lot of money. Amanda had already been selling on Etsy for about 5 years with her shop Wild Plums. We combined Amanda’s artistic skills and knowledge of Etsy with my passion for woodworking and Armadillo Dreams was born.
What we offer:
Armadillo Dreams makes high quality handmade wooden toys. We make animals, figures, baby toys, pull toys, fantasy themed toys and other fun things! Some toys are painted, while others remain natural. Everything we sell is made from natural materials, is friendly for little hands and is handmade with love! We believe it’s important for children to have high quality, natural, simple toys that they can dream, imagine and play with.
We are offering Wooly Moss Roots readers 10% off anything in our shop! Just use the coupon code “WOOLYMOSSROOTS” during checkout.
For the giveaway, they are generously offering one lucky reader a $30 shopping spree in their shop! Exciting?! Yeah, I know! And international entries are welcome! They’ll ship anywhere in the world.
Each reader can earn up to 7 entries
(and it’s so easy!)
Here’s How:
1. Leave a comment telling us how you would use the shopping spree if you win
2. Add Armadillo Dreams to your Etsy favorites
3. Like Armadillo Dreams on Facebook
4. Like Armadillo Dreams on Twitter
5. Tell others about this giveaway on Facebook
6. Tell others about this giveaway on Twitter
7. Blog about this giveaway
Come back here and leave separate comments for each thing you do for each entry.
(The easy part is entering the giveaway, the harder part is deciding what to choose out of their incredible selection!)
This giveaway will be open for entries until late Wednesday evening.
The lucky winner will be announced on Thursday, within this post.
From Armadillo Dreams:
Thank you very much for helping spread the word about this giveaway and Armadillo Dreams!
And I want to say thanks to Armadillo Dreams for offering such an awesome giveaway as well as a discount to readers!
Alright friends, now off to market we go.
Enjoy your Saturday
and Good Luck on this giveaway!!
Remember you can earn up to 7 entries!
*****Congratulations to Amy!!*****
I’ll be sending you an e-mail!
Thanks to everyone who entered.
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