G r a t i t u d e * S u n d a y
{Sunday’s heartfelt tradition. A time to slow down, to reflect, to be grateful. A list of gratitudes.}
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If you would like to join us, see below.
Our gratefulness feeds one another.
Throughout the week I’ve felt grateful for:
-A beautiful moment outside when the sun was shining brightly at the same time a gentle rain was falling. I could feel the warm sun on my skin and the cool rain simultaneously. Those two sensations at once felt almost surreal.
-Getting two blueberry bushes and two rosemary plants in the ground. Yay!
-Getting things planted right before the heavy rains came. The plants loved it.
-The rain stopping during Jeff’s eye appointment. It had been pouring and I felt nervous about keeping Bracken happy in a quiet waiting room. Luckily, the rain let up and Bracken and I were able to walk outside the whole time. I really appreciated that.
-Stopping by a farm in between Eugene and our house, right on the way, and getting some incredibly delicious raspberries. We also got some duck eggs and frozen blueberries (which introduced us to the spartan variety that we are now in love with.)
-Feeling rich in so many ways, even at times when we have very little money.
-Watching Jeff carefully hold and release the tiny hummingbird that got stuck on our front porch. It was buzzing against the window and tiring itself out. You could tell it was stressed. Jeff gently cupped his hands around it and then brought it outside and we watched it fly away. Bracken had wide eyes watching that.
-Feeling so excited about a trade for some beautiful handmade things. What a gift.
-Starting a fresh new gratitude journal! Nothing fancy, I get composition notebooks with recycled paper at our local grocery store for just a few bucks. But every time I start a new one it feels special.
-Hearing Bracken chatting on the phone with his grandma. It’s so sweet, like an angel voice, all sing-songy. (Sounds like “lalalalayayayala”)
-Seeing bees all over the St. John’s Wort and hummingbirds all over the fuschias.
-Cod Liver Oil on sale! We had been out for awhile and I’m so glad we’re all taking it daily again. We got a kind flavored with lemon and it tastes fine. Bracken has actually been loving it and asking for more, which amazed me. Cool!
-Seeing one of our handmade buttons in reclaimed sassafras in this post on SouleMama blog. What a fun surprise!
-Jeff fixing the latch on the garden gate. Little things can make such a difference.
-Being so active. It was a very active week and it felt really good to be moving so much.
-The joy that going on walks with Bracken around the yard brings me.
-Harvesting basket after basket of St. John’s Wort each day. Then Bracken helping me fill up jars with the beautiful dried flowers.
-The three of us working in the garden together. We all love it out there. Nothing makes us happier or satisfies us more than when we’re all out there working on a project.
-Walking out the front door and being enveloped in birdsong. So many different birds singing all at once, the most beautiful woodland symphony. I felt blessed to hear it.
-Kale from our garden with our breakfast. Homegrown always tastes so good.
-Jeff going to the post office, while Bracken and I stayed at home, and coming back home with a huge crock he scored at a garage sale on the way back! He got an incredible deal and it was in perfect shape.
-The incredible smell of rosemary filling the yard like perfume.
-Nourishing meals made by a wonderful husband.
-Deciding not to go to market yesterday. We had been planning to go all week, had been making things and getting ready for it, but then we saw the weather forecast and changed our minds. It was pouring buckets and I’m so glad we didn’t set up in that.
-Deciding not to go to market yesterday. We had been planning to go all week, had been making things and getting ready for it, but then we saw the weather forecast and changed our minds. It was pouring buckets and I’m so glad we didn’t set up in that.
You can read more about the inspiration for Gratitude Sunday here.
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What have you felt grateful for throughout your week?
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