G r a t i t u d e * S u n d a y
{Sunday’s heartfelt tradition. A time to slow down, to reflect, to be grateful. A list of gratitudes.}
If you would like to join us, see below.
If you would like to join us, see below.
Our gratefulness feeds one another.
Throughout the week I’ve felt grateful for:
-Hydrangeas blooming.
-The way my hands smell after harvesting St. John’s Wort.
-Making a huge batch of sauerkraut in our new (to us) crock, with 12 heads of cabbage. (Praise be to trades!)
-Feeling better after cleaning & organizing around the house. That always makes me feel better, especially when I’m overwhelmed.
-Putting some old cd’s out by our blueberry plants to repel the birds. I think it helped! Before, we would see berries almost ripe, then they would disappear. Now, we’ve been able to enjoy a few.
-The most incredibly delicious and refreshing sun tea, with fresh peppermint from our garden.
-Waking up in the middle of the night to the most incredible scent of citrus. It smelled so good. (And now I’m craving it.)
-The way my hands smell after harvesting St. John’s Wort.
-Making a huge batch of sauerkraut in our new (to us) crock, with 12 heads of cabbage. (Praise be to trades!)
-Feeling better after cleaning & organizing around the house. That always makes me feel better, especially when I’m overwhelmed.
-Putting some old cd’s out by our blueberry plants to repel the birds. I think it helped! Before, we would see berries almost ripe, then they would disappear. Now, we’ve been able to enjoy a few.
-The most incredibly delicious and refreshing sun tea, with fresh peppermint from our garden.
-Waking up in the middle of the night to the most incredible scent of citrus. It smelled so good. (And now I’m craving it.)
-Running out of cleaners. It was just the spur I needed, as I’ve been wanting to make my own household cleaners. We used dr.bronner’s soap to wash the dishes (like I saw in Aja’s post here.) I made a spray cleaner with some homebrewed kombucha that had gotten too old (and practically turned to vinegar) with some added tangerine essential oil. It worked better than anything I’ve ever used.
-Feeling like a whole new person after a bath.
-Spending time in the kitchen. I love spending time in there preparing food, so I made it a point to be in there more.
-Feeling like a whole new person after a bath.
-Spending time in the kitchen. I love spending time in there preparing food, so I made it a point to be in there more.
-Jeff’s excitement over his aged goat cheese. (If you want to laugh heartily today, check out his post with his expressions while he tried it.)
-Celebrating 4 years being married to an amazingly wonderful man.
-Jeff and I each taking short breaks to be in the pool with Bracken. So refreshing on a hot day!
-Progress on clearing up my inbox so I can keep my e-mail/computer world more organized.
-Barefeet in the grass. Barefeet in the sand.
-The regeneration of the ocean and time spent with good friends.
-Jeff getting a new chain on his chainsaw. He happily exclaimed “Now it cuts through wood like butter!” (And speaking of butter, Jeff carved a gorgeous butter mold for Deck Family Farm this week.)
-The three of us sharing a single blueberry three ways. The first off our bush out front.
-The sun coming out after a foggy morning and warming up the world. I had been hoping it would.
-Deciding not to bring the heavy magnet board to market anymore. It was beautiful and gave us so much room to display magnets, but the thing was so darn heavy. Not bringing it along sure lightened our load.
-Not needing to buy as many vegetables from farmer’s market because we are starting to get more out of our garden.
-Writing notes to myself in my journal, that I find helpful. This week’s was: “Surround yourself with the people it’s easiest to be yourself around.”
-Jeff and I each taking short breaks to be in the pool with Bracken. So refreshing on a hot day!
-Progress on clearing up my inbox so I can keep my e-mail/computer world more organized.
-Barefeet in the grass. Barefeet in the sand.
-The regeneration of the ocean and time spent with good friends.
-Jeff getting a new chain on his chainsaw. He happily exclaimed “Now it cuts through wood like butter!” (And speaking of butter, Jeff carved a gorgeous butter mold for Deck Family Farm this week.)
-The three of us sharing a single blueberry three ways. The first off our bush out front.
-The sun coming out after a foggy morning and warming up the world. I had been hoping it would.
-Deciding not to bring the heavy magnet board to market anymore. It was beautiful and gave us so much room to display magnets, but the thing was so darn heavy. Not bringing it along sure lightened our load.
-Not needing to buy as many vegetables from farmer’s market because we are starting to get more out of our garden.
-Writing notes to myself in my journal, that I find helpful. This week’s was: “Surround yourself with the people it’s easiest to be yourself around.”
You can read more about the inspiration for Gratitude Sunday here.
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What have you felt grateful for throughout your week?
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