Every day Bracken hands me the harvest basket and points towards the door. Sometimes he even brings me my shoes to hurry things along.
Some days we gather yellow St.John’s Wort and purple Lavender.
(I look like Peter Pan’s shadow with my bloomers on.)
Sometimes just Lavender
And a few little buds in Bracken’s special basket.
Some days more yellow St.John’s Wort and some orange & yellow Calendula.
We have a beautiful variety of Calendula this year.
We have two varieties of St.John’s Wort, one with small flowers (above) and one with larger flowers.
I think the small flowers are so cute. After we dry them, they get even tinier.
The bright colors feed my Spirit.
More unique Calendulas.
We’ve got drying racks in the living room with screens covered in drying herbs, and open windows blowing the breeze through. Bundles are hanging. The dehydrator is constantly going. Herbs, herbs, herbs, everywhere.
And then lovely pink Yarrow has been gracing our harvest basket as well.
Recently Jeff handed me a bouquet of Yarrow and I told him that I felt like a bride.
Yarrow reminds me of weddings.
The Yarrow, St.John’s Wort, and Calendula will be used to make more of our favorite Magical Healing Salve. The Calendula will also be used to make Lip Balm. The Lavender will hang in bundles around our home to bring cheer and be used to fill more wool creations.
Seeing vibrant colors brightens my days immensely.
What colors are in your world lately?
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