Joining Ginny’s Yarn Along, sharing what I’m knitting and reading.
Well folks, my first pair of legwarmers are finished! Hooray! I took the above pictures this morning and am so happy it’s sunny today. It’s been rainy lately and today’s sunshine makes it finally feel like summer here. On the needles now is a simple cowl I’m knitting with the leftover yarn from the legwarmers. Also pictured underneath the knitting, are two shirts I had that matched the yarn perfectly. A burgundy colored shirt made by a friend and a purple sweater gifted from another friend. I’ll definitely be pairing those with the legwarmers. It’s going to be a cozy fall and winter!
I also added these legwarmers as my very first project on Ravelry, here.
I called them Autumn Love Legwamers (the colors remind me of fall.)
Want to see them on?
Jeff took these pictures of me wearing them yesterday, before we left to run errands in town. (What was going on in the picture was that Bracken was pulling my hand to go walking with him, he wasn’t into mama-photo-time.) I know, I know, this outfit is rather silly- legwarmers with sandals and a summer dress with a wooly scarf. I’ll be wearing more layers with them come fall (and only wore them for pictures yesterday.) I was excited to see my favorite scarf (one of my first knitting projects and in one of my very favorite colors- amber) matched those legwarmers too. I guess I’m rather excited about bright colors right now.
For reading, I’ve been flipping through Knitting 24/7 by Veronik Avery. We went to the library last Saturday and they were having a book sale. We picked up some good reads for 25 cents, 50 cents and $1 each! Then we went inside the library to check out some books too. I headed to the knitting section (I had never been to that section before and had to search it out.) Wow, so many inspiring books there! I checked out a few. Knitting 24/7 has some projects in it that I would love to make, but I don’t feel ready to tackle any of them. It’s made me realize, even more, how much I have to learn in the world of knitting.
How about all of you? Have you been knitting lately? Any good books you’ve been enjoying?
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