Today I’m joining Ginny’s Yarn Along, sharing what I’m knitting and reading.
I finished a knitting project and started a new one. I’ll show you what I finished first.
I had just enough yarn to finish the cowl from last week! I took these pictures (above) yesterday evening and the colors in the yarn looked beautiful, but I wanted to take some pictures in the sunshine (which really makes the colors sing) so I waited and took more pictures today.
See how the colors come alive with the sunlight shining through?
This gorgeous yarn is from Gift of Grace Handspun.
Then I hung it on the fence to get some more close ups.
I chose these three buttons that Jeff had just finished, in yew wood from our yard. When looking through buttons to see which ones would go nicely on the cowl, these three seemed to yell out “pick me!” I think the color of the warm wood is so beautiful with the yarn.
And what does the cowl look like on?
When I put it on, it looked a little wonky. I realized that the buttons were a little heavy for the lightweight yarn.
See what I mean?
I didn’t make this cowl for myself, but will keep one for myself one of these days, when it’s just the right one for me.
(I could have used a little of our homemade tinted lip balm here, eh?)
So yes, the cowl lays differently than I had envisioned, but it’s comfy, it keeps the neck warm,
and I like it (wonky-ness and all.)
(Picture by Jeff.)
Ravelry notes here.
As for reading, a wonderful surprise came in the mail this week. A dear soul, Karen, (of Gift of Grace Hanspun), sent me ‘Stitch N’ Bitch’ after she read in a post that I wanted it. It was one of those times I felt in awe of the generosity in the world. Bless her heart! Now I have my own copy to read in my leisure and reference whenever I need to and I can stop renewing it from library. I’m so grateful.
Also I’ve been reading a chapter here and there of ‘Trust Your Vibes‘, it’s had a constant spot by the bed. Last night as I read her soothing words I felt peace wash over me. It was just what I needed.
As for knitting, I started another cowl with this beautiful and artful handspun wool from Wild Plums.
My goodness it knits up fast! I’m enjoying having such a quick project and I’m quite enjoying knitting cowls lately.
How about you? Any fun projects? Any good reads?
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