G r a t i t u d e * S u n d a y
{Sunday’s heartfelt tradition. A time to slow down, to reflect, to be grateful. A list of gratitudes.}
If you would like to join us, see below.
If you would like to join us, see below.
Our gratefulness feeds one another.
Throughout the week I’ve felt grateful for:
-Beautiful blue hydrangeas with their soft petals in the afternoon light.
-My mom and I following our inspiration to go to the beach on Sunday, even though it was late in the day. On Monday it was super windy in Florence and we would have missed our magical beach time if we had waited.
-Things that were therapeutic. Bare feet in the sand. Knitting. Some moments taking a break sitting in the sunshine (and relaxing more than I had in so long.)
-Dipping my feet in the cold ocean and feeling invigorating and alive.
–My mom taking Bracken and I out for (the rare treat of) seafood in Florence. (Jeff was really happy to stay at home and have some uninterrupted work time.) We sat at a sunny table with a window view of the surrounding docks. There was a spotted sea lion swimming all around, sunning it’s belly, and entertaining us. We had so much fun sitting and watching it while we ate salmon, shrimp, and tuna. Yum!
-Little things that made me feel nurtured. Jeff bringing me up a water for bed because he knew I’d like one when I hadn’t even asked. My mom bringing me a snack at the end of a long day because she knew I was hungry.
-My mom giving my hair a (much needed) trim. And then brushing it. Why does it feel so good to have someone else brush your hair? It felt like luxury.
-Knowing when we dropped my mom off at the airport that we would see her again in October. (And my sis too, yay!)
-Treasure hunting for cucumbers in the garden. They sure do hide. Finding them is a fun sport.
-Getting a good deal on seconds peaches and not only getting some put away for the winter, but having fresh ones to enjoy every day.
-Surrendering to my body one night when it said Rest.
-Seeing the night sky out the window before falling asleep at night. The beauty of the stars is a good sight before drifting to sleep, isn’t it?
-Enjoying turkey eggs from a local farm.
-Getting an e-mail from my mom that said: “Hi Sweetpea, I’ve been meaning to tell you what a wonderful Mom you are! It is truly amazing to watch you with Bracken! I’m so very proud of you! Love you!!! Momma” I tend to be hard on myself and having my mom say that meant so much to me.
-6 more blueberry plants in the ground. Yes!
-Getting a box of canning jars from a garage sale. We always need more of those.
-Working really hard and getting some things crossed of our lists, which made us feel less stressed. Sometimes the best thing for feeling overwhelmed is digging in and “gettin’ er done.”
-The feeling of a clean kitchen after a big (and messy) canning project.
-Deciding the big cardboard fort (in the middle of our living room) needs to go. It’s been a lot of fun, but it was time to move it out. Cleaner home = Happier mama.
-Fresh-pressed, raw, homegrown garlic on top of our meals. De-li-cious! (We want to plant large quantities now.)
-Fresh-pressed, raw, homegrown garlic on top of our meals. De-li-cious! (We want to plant large quantities now.)
-A new record for the Gratitude Sunday link-up last Sunday: 22! Woohoo! Your lists were so fun to read!
You can read more about the inspiration for Gratitude Sunday here.
Like to Join Us in Gratitude Sunday?
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In your blog post, include a link back here, to this current post, so others who would like to join can find us.
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What have you felt grateful for throughout your week?

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