Last night we left the house around the time we usually start getting ready for bedtime, deciding to be adventurous and do something different than our “usual.” We headed to our neighbor’s farm down the road for their yearly bonfire. Last time we went (in this post) I was hugely pregnant with Bracken. Last year we missed it (probably because I needed every wink of sleep I could get and didn’t feel like any activities happening after my bedtime.) This year I still needed all the sleep I could get (I’m one of those people who really need their sleep), but was feeling inspired to go and we were happy to return to their gathering. There was a group of people gathered around the fire, the most incredible view of a sky full of stars, and lots of music-making. People drummed, played guitar and a wooden flute, and sang. One of Jeff’s favorite things in the whole world is to drum with groups of people. Seeing the smile on his face last night and feeling his heart humming made me realize how important drum circles are for his Spirit’s joy. And Bracken? Bracken absolutely loved it! He drummed right along with everybody and even gave the flute a try. He pointed to the fire and did the sign for ‘hot’, excitedly pointed to their dog making his “woof woof” sound and pointed to the stars in wonder. There were so many wonderful moments. Bracken sitting in my lap, drumming. Jeff sitting next to me with his beaming face lit up by firelight. Hearing people singing songs they’d created. Seeing 5 shooting stars streak across the sky. Looking at the night sky just fills my soul up. I’ll always remember it. We didn’t get home till late. And today? Today Bracken awoke early. I am so tired, but it was oh so worth it. I told Jeff I’d like at least one bonfire per summer. It’s a summer essential, wouldn’t you say?
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