G r a t i t u d e * S u n d a y
{Sunday’s heartfelt tradition. A time to slow down, to reflect, to be grateful. A list of gratitudes.}
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If you would like to join us, see below.
Our gratefulness feeds one another.
Throughout the week I’ve felt grateful for:
-Calendula, calendula, and more calendula filling up our baskets every day.
-Juicing a cucumber for the first time. Jeff added it to our raw veggie juice (with carrot, beet, and apple) and it was so good.
-Bracken holding the phone up to his ear and singing and chatting in his own language to his grandma and his aunt.
-All of us working outside in the rain. We got soaked, we made progress around the place, and we had fun. Then coming inside to get into dry clothes felt extra cozy.
-Jeff clearing the branches that had fallen over the little pond he built years ago. It opened it up and now you can see all the fish, salamanders, and frogs in there (though the frogs hide most of the time.)
-Hanging up some windchimes and them hearing them sing when the wind came through.
-Finally putting up the bench Jeff made. He sanded a beautiful piece of cedar awhile ago and this week we got two stumps for the base and got it set up. It has the perfect view of the pond and we love it.
-Planting the big honeysuckle that had been in the greenhouse for so many years. We found the perfect spot for it. It looks so beautiful by the front gate and woven into the fence.
-A day that watered the garden for us. Then lots of sunshine to make it grow some more.
-Shifting my direction. It was late afternoon, Bracken hadn’t taken a nap yet, I was turning into a grump. Then I realized the only reason I was feeling that way was because I was holding tightly onto my plans for the day, rather than letting the day unfold in it’s own way. A joke from Jeff, some therapeutic laughter, deciding to go with the flow, and my day got much better. (And Bracken did eventually take a nap.)
-Gazing at the moon through the window. The way it made the world glow that night looked surreal.
-The people who still love me even when I’m grouchy.
-Feeling the earth against my feet and loving every moment outside.
-Jeff hiking up his pants and walking around the house with the goofiest “Erkel” impression of all time. I laughed so hard it hurt.
-The incredible, powerful medicine of laughter! It is so healing. I’ve been too serious lately and laughing till it hurts is the cure.
-Enjoying our fermented beet kvass. I could drink gallons of that stuff (same with Jeff & Bracken.)
-Bracken loving cod liver oil so much that he asks for more. He gets a little bit each day and I’m so glad he enjoys it (thanks to the natural lemon flavor.)
-Unpleasant dreams bringing powerful realizations. They can be such good indicators of things in our life we need to let go of, wouldn’t you say?
-The entire day flowing so smoothly and going so well on Friday. Then ending it with ‘Friday Night Movie Night’, watching a few episodes of Parks and Recreation, Season 4 (that just came out on watch instantly on Netflix.) It’s filled with goofy humor and we spent the entire time laughing.
-Our favorite huckleberry bush in the yard, full of ripe little berries. Whenever we walk by, we stop for a snack.
-Wearing my hair in two long breads. It’s so incredibly comfortable. Why did I wait so long to do that?
-Listening to someone play the banjo while looking around at the colorful produce at the farmer’s market.
-A coffee shop near market where I could buy some cold herb tea with hibiscus, mint, and orange and most importantly, use their restroom. Going to the porta-potties at the market always put me in a bad mood (especially taking Bracken to go there.) Being able to use the restroom at the coffee shop throughout the market day has made me enjoy going to market so much more. (Sounds funny, but it’s true!)
-Watching Jeff soothe and comfort Bracken. Holding him close, swaying back and forth, and gently singing in his ear. I thought “yep, that’s the man I love.”
-How you can strike up conversation when you see someone knitting and the magic of being instant friends with knitters everywhere.
-Being able to give back to Jeff. He’s been working so hard, getting up before Bracken and I and going to bed later. I knew the best thing I could do for him was to massage his feet (with some of our Relieving Salve)
-The entire day flowing so smoothly and going so well on Friday. Then ending it with ‘Friday Night Movie Night’, watching a few episodes of Parks and Recreation, Season 4 (that just came out on watch instantly on Netflix.) It’s filled with goofy humor and we spent the entire time laughing.
-Our favorite huckleberry bush in the yard, full of ripe little berries. Whenever we walk by, we stop for a snack.
-Wearing my hair in two long breads. It’s so incredibly comfortable. Why did I wait so long to do that?
-Listening to someone play the banjo while looking around at the colorful produce at the farmer’s market.
-A coffee shop near market where I could buy some cold herb tea with hibiscus, mint, and orange and most importantly, use their restroom. Going to the porta-potties at the market always put me in a bad mood (especially taking Bracken to go there.) Being able to use the restroom at the coffee shop throughout the market day has made me enjoy going to market so much more. (Sounds funny, but it’s true!)
-Watching Jeff soothe and comfort Bracken. Holding him close, swaying back and forth, and gently singing in his ear. I thought “yep, that’s the man I love.”
-How you can strike up conversation when you see someone knitting and the magic of being instant friends with knitters everywhere.
-Being able to give back to Jeff. He’s been working so hard, getting up before Bracken and I and going to bed later. I knew the best thing I could do for him was to massage his feet (with some of our Relieving Salve)
and that’s just what I did. Giving someone you love a foot massage is the best, isn’t it?
-The most gorgeous, ideal weather at market yesterday.
-The most gorgeous, ideal weather at market yesterday.
You can read more about the inspiration for Gratitude Sunday here.
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What have you felt grateful for throughout your week?

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