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-The smell of the house from making Magical Healing Salve and Blissful Baby Balm. Bracken must think they smell good too because he’s been occasionally trying to eat them. (I don’t blame him.)
-Jeff’s unwavering support by my side, always. He is the most loyal person I have ever known.
-Waking up to the sound of gentle rain one morning and knowing the garden would appreciate the drink.
-Bracken reaching for my hand and leading me all around the yard to show me things. Doesn’t matter how many times he does it, every time he wants to hold my hand it melts my heart.
-Putting myself “out there” in this space and getting so much support from dear readers, time and time again. (You guys are the best!)
-The abundance of fresh fruit around the homestead: juicy blackberries, blueberries (the very last), huckleberries, apples, and plums. I love the feeling of being able to pick an apple off the tree and eat it. To walk around the yard and pluck ripe berries right into our mouths. (It inspires more planting for next year.)
-Ginger tea with honey and coconut oil. (A little coconut oil in your tea is a great way to add more coconut oil to your diet. We’ve been loving it.)
-Posting new items in the shop. That always feels good. And some fun custom orders that inspired me.
-Making my quiet time a priority. I spent some of Bracken’s naps doing quiet activities that relaxed me. It was such a gift to my Spirit. I was in such a better mood when I did and that made our whole family happier.
-Our favorite stop between our home and Eugene: Morning Glory Farm. It’s such a sweet little farm right along the road, with so much good food for sale, and we love supporting their family.
-Bracken being pretty happy for the most part on car rides lately. (I will admit to feeding him blueberries to help keep him that way.)
-A pickle miracle! We went to a farm in Eugene to get small cucumbers for making pickles. I had a feeling to call ahead and make sure they had some for us, but I forgot to do it. When we arrived, they didn’t have any and we were so bummed. We asked them, but no luck. We looked around for anything else we might need. As we were about to leave, someone called the farm and canceled their order and we got 3 bags of small cucumbers that had been set aside! We were ecstatic.
-Crocks in the kitchen filled with cucumbers and cabbage fermenting. Looking forward to pickles and sauerkraut! (And this time I do believe we used enough salt.)
-Jeff washing the kitchen floors!!! This one deserves many, many exclamation points. There was a time when I washed them regularly. They are white, after all, and they don’t hide dirt. That chore has fallen by the wayside for quite a long time. Jeff made them shine. I wanted to sing with joy every time I walked in the kitchen.
-Bracken walking on Jeff’s back (while I held his hand to help him balance.) Bracken thinks it’s a blast and giggles and dances, and Jeff is in bliss while he enjoys an incredible massage.
-Cutting Bracken’s hair and being able to see more of his sweet little face. (Having a toddler-on-the-go made for some, ahem, “oops” moments. I’m glad he doesn’t really mind about those things yet, Jeff was able to help me smooth it out, and that hair grows back quickly.)
-Waking up Saturday morning, looking at the clock, and seeing that if we had gone to market we would have already been in the car driving to Eugene.
-Time spent with our neighbors, getting to experience the magic of the river and dipping my feet in. Not only did they share box after box of delicious pears from their tree, they gifted us with halibut for my birthday next week. (If you’re reading this Sonja, you are such a sweetheart.)
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What have you felt grateful for throughout your week?

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