G r a t i t u d e * S u n d a y
{Sunday’s heartfelt tradition. A time to slow down, to reflect, to be grateful. A list of gratitudes.}
If you would like to join us, see below.
If you would like to join us, see below.
Our gratefulness feeds one another.
Throughout the week I’ve felt grateful for:
-The beauty of bright sunlight shining through yellow St.John’s Wort petals. (And being excited about capturing a picture of a bee in flight hovering above one, which you can see below.)
-Sweet people joining me for Gratitude Sunday and warming my heart with their lists.
-Jeff planting daffodil bulbs up the front walk. That is going to be so pretty in the spring.
-Bracken’s increasing interest in books. Now instead of flipping the pages immediately, he sits and listens more.
-Feeling some golden autumn magic coming in and a deeper quiet.
-Hearing our neighbor’s rooster in the distance while we’re in the garden. I can enjoy that sound I love so much without having a rooster ourselves.
-Clothes on the line, bare feet, watching Bracken play in the yard, and eating watermelon in the sun.
-How miraculous our bodies are at healing when we give them what they need. Every day I’m grateful for all the good things the GAPS diet had brought for our family.
-A chipmunk coming right over to us, which delighted Bracken. Then seeing a frog in the middle of the pond and hummingbirds flying everywhere. (Jeff has a little chipmunk friend that comes to visit our family now.)
-Jeff finding a 5 dollar bill in the parking lot. It was super windy outside (which we were exclaiming about as we walked along), yet there it was sitting perfectly still right in his path. He beamed like a kid on Christmas.
-Enjoying wild oregano, harvested in the mountains of Greece, sprinkled on all our meals. (Thanks Evi!)
-Taking trips to the post office regularly to mail out orders (thanks to our wonderful customers!)
-Only living a little over 3 miles from the post office.
-Taking baths outside in the pool. What fun, Bracken loves that pool.
-Getting to listen to the elk in the woods, right outside our door. They were so close we could hear them chewing! (They were too covered by underbrush for us to see them, but we could hear them and it was amazing.) The afternoon light was illuminating the forest, it was all so beautiful and we stood in awe.
-Enjoying my new pajama pants that I got from the thrift store during their 50% off sale. They’re so comfy.
-The way knitting relaxes me. I love it. A lot.
-Random and funny dreams all week. Being in a band of gypsies and deciding to settle down and open a little cottage shop selling herbal soaps of all kind. Traveling to India and finding solace in the peace of a holy sanctuary. Learning to play the bagpipe from my grandmother who was playing it like a little woodland sprite. Jeff buying two horses and two cows and milking cows in the middle of our living room. My dreams were quite entertaining over the week.
-Trades at farmer’s market. Deeply grateful for that! Being able to nourish our family with all that good food is such a gift.
-The peace that grows and grows within me as we drive deeper into the country and farther from the city. Makes me feel I’m right where I’m meant to be.
-Jeff and Bracken having fun together while I took a bath all by myself last night. I had the water much warmer than I would when Bracken is with me and it was so relaxing. I do love baths with Bracken playing and pouring by my side, but the rare treat of a bath to myself is nice too.
-Laying next to Jeff, with Bracken asleep snuggled up between us, talking quietly until we fell asleep.
-Enjoying my new pajama pants that I got from the thrift store during their 50% off sale. They’re so comfy.
-The way knitting relaxes me. I love it. A lot.
-Random and funny dreams all week. Being in a band of gypsies and deciding to settle down and open a little cottage shop selling herbal soaps of all kind. Traveling to India and finding solace in the peace of a holy sanctuary. Learning to play the bagpipe from my grandmother who was playing it like a little woodland sprite. Jeff buying two horses and two cows and milking cows in the middle of our living room. My dreams were quite entertaining over the week.
-Trades at farmer’s market. Deeply grateful for that! Being able to nourish our family with all that good food is such a gift.
-The peace that grows and grows within me as we drive deeper into the country and farther from the city. Makes me feel I’m right where I’m meant to be.
-Jeff and Bracken having fun together while I took a bath all by myself last night. I had the water much warmer than I would when Bracken is with me and it was so relaxing. I do love baths with Bracken playing and pouring by my side, but the rare treat of a bath to myself is nice too.
-Laying next to Jeff, with Bracken asleep snuggled up between us, talking quietly until we fell asleep.
You can read more about the inspiration for Gratitude Sunday here.
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What have you felt grateful for throughout your week?

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