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-Jeff cleaning out the chimney. One more “before winter comes” thing to cross off our to-do list.
-Having food to harvest, even while the garden slows down. Cucumbers, zucchini, kale, collards, and chard.
-Moving all our fermented pickles and sauerkraut from crocks to our fridge, and eating something raw, fermented and rich with probiotics with every meal.
-Gorgeous weather, feet on the earth, watering the garden. Good combination.
-Playing with Bracken in the yard while he hid behind the fuschia, giggling, for me to come and find him. Then riding on my back like a horse while I crawled around on all fours.
-A vacuumed truck. Ahhhh.. much better.
-Our camera. It’s just a point-and-click digital camera, nothing fancy, and I would like a really good quality camera someday, but I’m grateful for the one we have right now because I love taking pictures and it allows me to do that.
-Bracken taking a nice long nap in the car on our way home from errands in town. It was so peaceful, watching his sleeping face while I knitted and Jeff and I talked quietly.
-All of us in the kitchen. Bracken loves helping Jeff sprinkle herbs on our meals and he loves peeling garlic too.
-Sunshine: to warm us up after chilly nights, to dry our clothes on the line, and to make sun tea with garden herbs. We’re savoring the sunshine.
-Having an oven. We’ve been baking winter squash and I appreciate how easy it is because when we were without an oven for a long time, we had to go through a much longer process to prepare it.
-Deepening my appreciation for knitting even more after forgetting my knitting needle at home yesterday. In the car to market and throughout the market day, I really wanted to knit, but I knew the break made me more grateful for it.
-A wonderful market day, seeing friends and friendly faces we had missed.
-Grabbing my cowl as we walked out the door for market. The morning at market was chilly and I was not prepared with enough layers for all of us, but at least I had my cowl. Bracken was snuggled against me in the Ergo, with my layers wrapped around him. Then the sun came out and the day got really warm and that was so welcome.
-Trying Liberty apples for the first time. Delicious! So flavorful and crisp, with beautiful deep red coloring. A new favorite variety.
-Buying some raspberries at farmer’s market right before they sold out.
-Trading with our friends at farmer’s market for butternut squash, beets, chard, kale, and carrots. We eat more greens than we’re growing right now and we didn’t grow winter squash this year. The fresh, local produce tastes so good.
-Ending a long day with home, pajamas, and a warm bed.
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What have you felt grateful for throughout your week?

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