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-When the power went out one night, right after we had taken baths and eaten dinner. Jeff started a fire in the woodstove, we lit candles, and Jeff played his guitar. It was so peaceful.
-A garden bed planted with garlic. Yes!
-Progress with some garden clean up. We pulled up the beans and all the summer squash. (We had one last harvest of some tiny squashes, which were pretty darn cute.)
-Laying in bed, daydreaming about how I would complete an unfinished dream. It’s so satisfying to create good endings to your dreams, isn’t it?
-Sitting in our wooden garden seats, feeling the warmth of the sun.
-How intuitive Jeff is about gardening. It’s such a blessing on our garden the way he is so in tune with the plants.
-The leaves on the blueberry bushes turning brilliant oranges and reds. So beautiful.
-Getting all my knitting patterns 3-hole-punched and put in a binder. Now they are organized rather than laying all over the place and tucked in the bookshelf here and there.
-Making delicious, nourishing meals for my loves (and having them made for me too.)
-Great deals on a few wool sweaters from the thrift store. They were given away, with moth holes in them. Now we’ll felt them and make fun things with them.
-Finding an apple on the apple tree when I was really wanting one (and I thought they were all gone.)
-Bracken helping rake leaves and carry wood.
-Time outside in the gorgeous fall weather, fresh air, moving our bodies.
-Hearing Bracken singing when he’s feeling particularly happy. (It’s usually accompanied by dancing too.)
-Seeing a shooting star out the window before bed.
-How dedicated Jeff is when he puts his mind to something. It’s something I really admire about him.
-Trades that bless me with yarn to knit with.
-Eating concord grapes right off the vine.
-Spending time with my mom and sister and watching them play with Bracken. It’s a rare treat for all of us to be together and I’m appreciating it so much.
-My sister and her fiance giving us some elk meat that he had just hunted. What a gift to be feasting on wild meat.
-Celebrating Bracken’s 2nd Birthday today! (More on that soon.)
In your blog post, include a link back here, to this current post, so others who would like to join can find us.
What have you felt grateful for throughout your week?

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