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-Watching my sister with Bracken, thinking what a good mom she’s going to be someday.
-Starting new birthday traditions in our family.
-Bracken asleep in my arms. What a feeling that is. I savor it.
-A good ol’ cry when you need one, even if you don’t really know why.
-The sound of heavy rain and how much louder the river gets afterwards.
-Journaling when I was overwhelmed and feeling much calmer afterwards.
-Learning that my assumptions can be wrong and sometimes I worry over nothing. Sometimes I’m extra sensitive and take things the wrong way. Communication is a good thing.
-My loved ones always teaching me to be a better person.
-Lots of activity in the kitchen. Applesauce made. Bone broth bubbling in the crock pot. Pastured chicken baking in the oven. Then winter squash. Then muffins. Grapes frozen. Nourishing meals for loved ones. Messy kitchen transformed into a clean one, again and again.
-Jeff and Bracken driving the few miles to the post office to mail out a package while I cleaned in the kitchen.
-Being guided to a garage sale where we found things we needed.
-More organization in my craft space!
-Each and every sale on our Mystic Orb Etsy Shop and our Wooly Moss Roots Etsy Shop, that allows us to work from home and be together as a family. Not a day goes by that we aren’t filled with gratitude for our wonderful customers who support us.
-Being cozy indoors while it’s pouring outside.
-Feeling energized and motivated in the shop.Want to create create create.
-Bracken getting up and right back on his trike after a wipe-out. I love his fearlessness (even when it scares the bejesus out of me sometimes.)
-Days when Jeff and I both get our quiet time, which makes our whole family more happy. For Jeff, it’s in the mornings before Bracken and I wake up. For me, it’s during Bracken’s naps.
In your blog post, include a link back here, to this current post, so others who would like to join can find us.
What have you felt grateful for throughout your week?

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