G r a t i t u d e * S u n d a y
{Sunday’s heartfelt tradition. A time to slow down, to reflect, to be grateful. A list of gratitudes.}
If you would like to join us, see below.
If you would like to join us, see below.
Our gratefulness feeds one another.
**(Sorry for the delay this morning. Our electricity is out.
Writing this from local shop with wi-fi)**
**(Sorry for the delay this morning. Our electricity is out.
Writing this from local shop with wi-fi)**
Throughout the week I’ve felt grateful for:
-The surprise of learning new things about Jeff, even though I know him so well. I love that.
-Easy, delicious leftovers.
-Opening my gratitude journal and seeing a little drawing from Bracken. I remember when he was having fun with pen and paper one day, only to be a sweet surprise for me later.
-Witnessing Bracken’s elation over playing in a puddle full of fall leaves.
-Bracken helping to clean up his toys more and more, which is great.
-Being touched by listening to Jeff read ‘The Lorax’ aloud to Bracken. I teared up.
-A few moments of quiet when I really needed it.
-Bracken going down a slide for the first time! He absolutely loved it. It was raining out, but we were warm and cozy in our woolens, and had fun.
-That I finally got an annoying splinter out of my finger. It sounds silly, but I couldn’t focus on anything else till I got the darn thing out.
-Being filled with a sense of peace at the end of a day.
-Feeling so much love for my family, all the time.
-Getting a good parking spot when I asked for one.
-The guy in the parking lot who came over and helped us put the new windshield wiper blade on our truck. Kindness from strangers is inspiring.
-Bracken bringing out people’s spirits, smiles, and hearts wherever we go.
-The happiness I feel over being home again.
-Being cozy with my boys on the couch, snuggling and watching a show on Netflix.
-Jeff and Bracken bringing me a vase of flowers, with the last of the hydrangeas from the yard. The flowers look so pretty in the kitchen window.
-That life changes, and that even little changes can bring something new and the opportunity for something better.
-Contentment after bringing the kitchen back in order and getting a crock filled with fermenting sauerkraut.
-Seeing green growth popping up from the garlic we planted.
-Standing near the woodstove to warm up and feeling the warmth go deep into my bones. What a good feeling.
You can read more about the inspiration for Gratitude Sunday here.
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What have you felt grateful for throughout your week?

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