Recently I was asked by Starlene, who blogs over at GAPS Diet Journey, if she could interview me about our experience on the GAPS diet on her internet radio show. I said yes and was excited for the opportunity to share more about our experience, since it has been so life changing for us in so many ways. Truth be told, it’s much easier for me to express myself through writing and I knew expressing myself vocally would be a little more challenging (especially on a topic where I have so much to say!) I’m glad I stepped out of my comfort zone to do the interview. We had some funny bloopers, but Starlene worked her editing magic and pieced it all together wonderfully.
So, if you’d like to hear more about our family’s journey on the GAPS diet,
I invite you to listen to the show here.
I share about what really spurred us into action to make some major changes in our diet, about the food allergies we were experiencing, and tips we’ve discovered along the way. I share about the changes we’ve experienced after being on the diet for almost 2 years.
I said a lot and yet there is so much more I’d like to say, because there is so much to say. (My passion is evident, isn’t it?) Food is a topic I deeply care about. And the GAPS diet has brought not just physical changes (which have been major), but feeling… spiritually uplifted. Our hearts guided us to this diet and the results have been miraculous to us. It’s hard to put into words, since we feel it on so many levels.
If you listen to the interview, I hope it will inspire you to love and care for your body and to follow your heart on your own unique path to healing.
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