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-Being able to fit all our market stuff in the rental van on the last day so we didn’t have to make two trips.
-The feeling of a bath at the end of an exhausting day.
-Jeff going out into the cold to get more firewood to bring inside and keep us warm.
-Opening presents, appreciating gifts, and the joy of surprising others.
-An affirmation later when my intuition was right on.
-Hugs, kisses, snuggles, and time spent with my boys. I sure do adore them.
-Donating a box to the thrift store. With each and every box it feels liberating, as our house feels lighter.
– Bracken loving his special handknit sweater from his great grandma and wearing it every day.
-Love in my heart. It’s a blessing to feel that.
-Jeff going to the chiropractor and getting his atlas back into alignment (which had been “off” since the accident.) What a difference that made and I’m so glad.
-Listening to classical music (on fancy radio in the rental van) and it’s incredible calming effect on my nervous system. I’m cultivating an appreciation for classical music, which I haven’t appreciated much in my life before.
-Brand new dish scrubbers. It’s the little things, right?
-Friday night movie night with Jeff’s homemade blueberry “ice cream.”
-Going to sleep to a very messy kitchen with a sink full of dishes and waking up the next morning to see a clean, sparkling kitchen. (Thanks honey!)
-Doing some major rearranging around the house to get more organized. We’ve been feeling “boggled up” lately and getting our space set up better feels so good!
In your blog post, include a link back here, to this current post, so others who would like to join can find us.
What have you felt grateful for throughout your week?

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