On Saturday Bracken and I went to the ocean with my dad, who was visiting for the day. (Jeff stayed home to rest because he wasn’t feeling well.) As we walked to the beach, we saw some heart prints in the sand. Someone had hearts on the bottom of their shoes and I got excited every time I saw one of their prints.
My dad and Bracken. (As you can see, Jeff’s elf hat found a new home with my dad. The wool was a little too itchy for Jeff’s head so he never wore it. Instead of trying to line it with something else, we passed it along to my dad who didn’t mind it. Don’t worry, Jeff will certainly have more handknit hats in his future.)
Bracken didn’t waste any time getting to business.
The day was gorgeous and the beach was packed. There were people and dogs everywhere.
Bracken was excited about a kite flying near where we sat.
Then he set to work burying his feet in sand.
But decided he’d rather just be barefoot.
Two buckets and this little shovel could keep him happy on the beach for hours. He loves playing in the sand.
Is there any mama whose heart doesn’t completely melt when they see their little one’s footprints in the sand?
Playing with Grandpa Bob.
As we headed towards home, we stopped to watch the surfers along the jetty.
Whenever I go to the beach I always think ‘why don’t I come here more often?’
It sure didn’t feel like winter while we were there. It was a mini-vacation.
P.S. Turns out Jeff has the flu. Poor thing is in bed, having lots of broth. Bracken and I are busy keeping up around here and taking care of him. Extra doses of elderberry for all of us!
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