Well, Bracken and I got a mild version of what Jeff has. I had a huge burst of energy yesterday, got us stocked with groceries, the house filled with firewood, lots of food made, and cleaning done. Getting some nourishing food down Jeff felt like a huge accomplishment. Late in the day, some aching sensations in my body told me it was time to slow it down. I awoke this morning with a light headache, a slightly sore throat, and mostly a very achy body. Bracken has felt a little warm and is wanting to nurse more than usual and be held a lot. We’re all taking it easy today. Plans for this week are being cancelled and crossed off the calender. We are at home, where we can be found with mugs of tea. (The one above has little bits of fresh ginger, in case you’re wondering what that is.)
And an unrelated story about why this love mug is special to me…
When I moved out to Portland in 2005, I flew out there with my mom. My apartment wasn’t ready for me to move into and we were staying in a hotel room together. The day she was scheduled to fly back home, I had to go to work at my new job. We said our goodbyes before I left for work. She didn’t want to leave. I didn’t want her to go. We were both tearful, but tried to be strong. I knew that when I returned to the hotel room that night, it would be empty and I’d be alone in the big strange city. Of course I was excited about moving and my heart was guiding me to do it, but I was still afraid and unsettled. When I got to the hotel room that night, it did feel lonely without her, but on my bed I found this bright red mug with the word ‘Love’ on it. For some reason it comforted me. It was one of the few possessions I had when I moved into my new place. It’s been my favorite mug ever since.
I wonder why I’m writing all this, since I came here expecting to write a quick post. Maybe a mix of seeing this mug in my picture and also my mom just comes to mind every time I’m not feeling well. I always felt so nurtured by her when I was sick. Also, what comes to mind is this song by Greg Brown, which is one of her favorites. Listening to it makes me tear up.
I’m feeling extra sentimental tonight. I think seeing my loved ones not feeling well makes my heart swell up big. I want to hold them close and snuggle them all day long.
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