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-Listening to music in the car. Our previous vehicle didn’t have radio or anything, so now listening to music feels like a treat.
-A phone conversation with one of my oldest and dearest friends. It doesn’t matter how much time passes, as soon as we hear each others’ voices we’re right at home with each other.
-Remembering that we have canned peaches in the pantry. Mmm!
-Carding some wool for our handwork project at The Waldorf School and being reminded of how much I love doing that. Time to pull out my carders at home.
-Frozen blueberries from Morning Glory Farm. It’s our treat most nights before bed and they make our family very happy.
-Jeff helping some of my visions come to life by working his graphic design magic. He added more pictures to my banner and made the images for our shops along the right of my blog. Thanks Jeff! It felt good to make some changes & do some tidying up to my blog that I’ve been wanting to do for awhile.
-Some quiet at the end of the day to let my nervous system relax.
-Hearing my mom’s excitement on the phone as she settles into her new home in Florida.
-Jeff opening the window in our bedroom for awhile each day to let some fresh air in. We don’t open our windows very much this time of year, but we’ve been making a point to do so and it sure freshens things up.
-Clean sheets! It feels so good to get things washed and cleaned after being sick.
-Finding a 3 hole punch at the thrift store (to help organize all my knitting patterns in a binder.) I love finding little things I need (for a few bucks) that make life easier.
-An opportunity in the car to wind some skeins of yarn into balls and get them ready for knitting.
-My body feeling better. Not feeling well sure does make you appreciate feeling good.
-Being out in the beautiful, sunny weather yesterday. I took pictures for Etsy while Bracken played and Jeff weeded the garden bed.
–Garlic Mullein Ear Oil. I awoke one night with a sore ear and the oil was so soothing and worked it’s magic.
-Jeff cleaning out his sock drawer. Now we can actually shut the drawer, it’s wonderful!
-Jeff surprising us with a special homemade soup. I heard him in the kitchen in the morning with the food processor and when I asked what he was up to he said “a surprise.” Yet again, one of his kitchen experiments turned out delicious!
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What have you felt grateful for throughout your week?

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