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-Jeff fixing the motion activated light outside (to help discourage the elk herd that has been coming around here from going near our garden. He thinks our fences won’t deter them much and perhaps not a light either, but the more deterrents the better, we figure.)
-Our entire house smelling like beeswax. That’s one of my favorite things each time we make a new batch of salve for our shop.
-Seeing a shooting star out the window before bed.
-Jeff harvesting watercress in the backyard for our lunch. It was so delicious, spicy, and fresh. We’re craving fresh greens right now, which happens this time of year especially.
–Muffins warm out of the oven, with some coconut oil and honey on top. Yum.
-Bracken experiencing other languages in our Waldorf class. I love having him hear other languages being spoken fluently. (And I love it too!)
-Some kind blog readers who sent me books to read. Thank You!
–Bracken calling his grandma a new word, “gamama.” I couldn’t get over how cute that was.
-Waking up from a wonderful dream when it was still dark outside and continuing it in my mind to enjoy longer, before little mister woke up.
–Being so focused on getting work done and accomplishing a lot.
–Turning off all the lights and the three of us watching the storm out the window as lightning lit up the sky. And then hearing the rumble of thunder. I do so love that sound.
In your blog post, include a link back here, to this current post, so others who would like to join can find us.
What have you felt grateful for throughout your week?

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