On Saturday our family went to Eugene to deliver a sign Jeff made for Linda, of Honor Earth Farm, and to pick up some organic hazelnuts. Jeff made Linda’s sign in a beautiful piece of cedar that our neighbor had cut himself and saved for many years. It was cut thin so it would be nice and lightweight to hang up, which meant instead of carving it, he woodburned it. Then he painted in the words to match her logo. We really liked how it turned out (especially after he oiled it and the gorgeous wood came to life!)
And guess what, locals?
Farmer’s Market is back! I just found this out from Linda since we met her at her booth there, but the Farmer’s Market has been going since February! I thought it started in April along with the Eugene Saturday Market. So if you’ve been missing all the Farmer’s Market goodness (I know we have!), you can head on over to 8th and Oak on Saturdays, from 10 -2. (Starting in April 9 – 3.) (Information on Tuesday and Thursday markets here.)
The hazelnuts from Honor Earth Farm are delicious!
Try a sample at the booth and you’ll see what I mean. (Linda also sells her hazelnuts on her website.) She has the only local farm I know of that grows hazelnuts organically.
How wonderful to see fresh local produce at the Farmer’s Market again!
We headed home with chard and beets from Lost Creek Farm
and a whole lotta hazelnuts. Yippee!
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