On Saturday we left the house around 7 and got to market about 8. Bracken was in the Ergo carrier on my back while we set up the booth. How does it all go together again? We’re always a little slower setting things up at the beginning of the season, still getting into the swing of things. Then Jeff and Bracken went for a walk and I did the “finishing touches” on our booth set up as I heard the music coming from the stage, as market opened at 10. The weather was absolutely gorgeous. We were hoping for no rain, but couldn’t have imagined it was going to be so beautiful out. It was sunny and warm. We got to see market friends and customers-turned-friends. The farmer’s market was full of good things. We did a few trades that made my day. We don’t expect that much in the way of sales in April at market, but when the day was rolling along without a single sale, we did feel a little discouraged. We wondered if we were going to go home with less money than we started with. But then some sales came along and we ended up coming home with more. We were so grateful for that. The day was busy and full. We all slept good that night.
Yesterday and today we’ve been at home. I washed our bedding and dried it in the sun today. I can’t wait to go crawl in those fresh clean sheets. It’s been a long day and they’re so welcome right now.
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