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-The reminder to ask for help when I need it, and then doing it.
-The way it all melts away when I go outside.
-Soaking up the warm sun. After so much cold and rain this winter, it’s so welcome.
-Sitting on the earth. Laying on the earth. Bare feet on the earth. Simply feels incredible.
-Sun-dried laundry infused with life force- prana.
-Bracken napping while I had the windows open, marked buttonholes, and put buttons on cards.
-Being able to get the window in our car back up after accidentally putting it down. Thank goodness. (It’s the broken window that doesn’t go up, which I spaced out for a moment. We haven’t paid to fix it yet and it would not have been fun to have it stuck down.)
-A good parking spot where I could pull through. That particular parking lot is packed, scrunched and challenging to back up in without good visibility. I get so happy when I get a spot there where I can pull through and avoid backing out altogether.
-Trimming the fuchsias overhanging the pathway in our garden. Now we can flow through much easier.
-A twilight garden walk, with colors that popped and scents that were accentuated. We all loved it.
-Making up stories in my head as I fell asleep. Nothing makes me fall asleep faster than using my “imagination muscles.”
-Witnessing Bracken’s joy and excitement over our new chicks.
-Writing my gratitudes one night with my boys sleeping next to me. They are always listed.
-Jeff packing so much good food for our market day. It was delicious. Saving money by bringing our own food was just a bonus.
-Local strawberries in April! Thanks to greenhouses, we ate delicious strawberries from farmer’s market yesterday. The first ones of the year always taste extra good.
-Another market day with beautiful weather. We lucked out two Saturdays in a row.
-A hair barrette that kept my hair out of my face on a hot day. Made out of gorgeous birdseye maple by Earnest Efforts. I love it.
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What have you felt grateful for throughout your week?
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