…Joining Ginny’s YarnAlong, sharing what I’m knitting and reading…
Did I finish Jeff’s slippers in time for his birthday? No, despite my best intentions, I did not. I finished the soles for both slippers and then got started on the upper part. Thing was, both of my size 6 circular needles were not long enough. After struggling with those, I decided to use my size 7 double pointed needles, but quickly saw that it really needed the size 6. That’s when I had to be patient and wait till we went to town, to get size 6 double pointed needles. That day was today (thus why I’m writing this YarnAlong post so late in the day.) Jeff assured me that he did not care in the least that his slippers were not finished for his birthday. I started the upper part of the first slipper on the drive home and then spent Bracken’s nap working on them also, when we got home. It is so rare for me to use his nap time knitting and I must say that it was a wonderful treat. The first two pictures are at the start of his nap and the two last ones are at the end. (The one thing I’m disappointed about is that my two blue yarns are not contrasting like I thought they would, which is one thing I love about the pattern so much. Oh well.) I’ve found my groove with this slipper pattern now and can’t wait to finish them.
I finished ‘Simplicity Parenting’ and even stayed up a little past my bedtime one night so I could return it to the library in time. I’m letting the good information digest and want to get our own copy of the book. It would be nice to have on hand and Jeff would like to look through it too.
Now I’m reading ‘The Nourishing Traditions Book of Child and Baby Care.’ I am devouring this book! I wrote before about how the ‘Nourishing Traditions’ cookbook rocked my world so I wasn’t surprised that I’m enjoying this one so much. Jeff and I followed quite a few nutritional suggestions, eating nutrient dense foods for a long period prior to conception, from ‘Nourishing Traditions’ when we were preparing for a baby. I would have loved to have this book available then. But it was just published and I’m grateful to have it now. I don’t agree with every thing they write, but I’d say a large majority of the information really resonates strongly with me. I really look forward to bedtime each night, hoping that little pumpkin will fall asleep easily, so I can read more!
P.S. The handmade quilt in the background was a gift from my Grandma Jensen to Bracken for his birthday. She made it with recycled jeans and to say I love it is an understatement. It’s a prized belonging in our home.
How about you? Knitting? Reading?
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