It’s been stormy with heavy downpours here this week. The three of us went out to the coop to visit the chickens today and then Jeff went to work in the shop. There was a break in the rain and Bracken and I took a walk around the garden. How wonderful the fresh air felt! There’s much excitement over the green things (strawberries, blueberries, apples, plums, lavender…) that will soon be turning red, blue, and purple. Gardening sure does teach patience and for a two-year-old berry and fruit lover that’s not always easy. He picks the occasional green blueberry and we gently remind him that they’re not quite ready and that if we pick them now, there won’t be any to eat when they turn blue and are ready to enjoy. He understands pretty well and for the most part doesn’t pick them, but likes to point at them with excitement to show us.
Bracken picked some lavender and told me he wanted to give it to dada. It’s not ready yet either, but it already smells delicious.
We’ve had lots of indoor time this week, getting ready for market. We’ll have many new things for our booth this weekend. The weather forecast looks clear and we’ve got our fingers crossed there won’t be any rain (getting all our stuff soaked is not exactly fun.) We’re looking forward to the farmer’s market as usual. This time of year I really appreciate all the food at the farmer’s market that’s ripe and ready long before our garden abundance is (thanks to greenhouses.)
Homemade soup is calling. Wishing you all a cozy, peaceful evening.
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