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-The poppies popping up all over the place. They come back on their own each year, in new spots around the garden.
-Mashed cauliflowers (our version of mashed potatoes) with sauteed onions. Yum yum yum.
-Outside time being present with Bracken. Having me be with him and not be rushing about doing something, was wonderful for us both.
-The mama robin getting more comfortable with us being near her nest. I looked up from harvesting St. John’s Wort flowers and saw that she was in her nest quietly watching us (rather than making a peep for us to leave.)
-Finding my calm center in the midst of chaos by breathing deeply. Amazing how powerful simply breathing is.
-How much clean sheets and open windows freshen up a room.
-Home days. Sun on our skin. Sauerkraut made. Herbs harvested. Nasturtiums and sunflowers planted.
-Jeff clearing out the freezer (by processing some things that had been waiting to be dealt with) and making more room for us to fill it up.
-Turning on the music while we were working in the kitchen, then peeking in the other room to see Bracken dancing and singing by himself in the living room.
-Figuring out how to do a simple knitting maneuver correctly. I’ve been messing it up in my knitting for a long time and am so glad it finally clicked.
-Finding a bucket of oyster shell that we still had from the last time we had chickens and bringing it to the ladies.
-Moonlight shining through the clouds. Sights of beauty that make me pause.
-Mornings with the kitchen cleaned up, breakfast made, house tidied and swept, laundry put away and more washed and hung. Good way to start the day, getting so much done.
-Getting a garden tour, complete with samples as we walked along. And discovering how delicious garlic scapes are!
-Buying frozen blueberries from our neighbor (we’d been out for awhile) and then eating some outside on a hot day.
-Feeling proud of the work we’ve done around our place and how it keeps getting better all the time.
-The first day of summer!
-The magic of the ocean and how incredible it feels to be there, every time.
**I’m using a new link-up tool this week. I saw it on last week’s YarnAlong and think it’s so fun to add the images. Click the blue button below that says ‘add your link.’**
In your blog post, include a link back here, to this current post, so others who would like to join can find us.
What have you felt grateful for throughout your week?

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