…Joining Ginny’s YarnAlong, sharing what I’m knitting and reading…
I made good progress on Jeff’s sock! I had finished the leg and needed to turn the heel, but didn’t get a quiet opportunity to get that done before market. I brought it along to market on Saturday (wondering if I was crazy for thinking I could get a chance to focus enough to do it there.) Turns out, when Jeff and Bracken went somewhere together, I found myself in the booth with a quiet stretch and I was able to turn the heel and continue knitting. I’m on the easiest part now as I knit the foot. I love that I can knit them just the right length to fit Jeff. Custom made socks are a pretty great thing.
Sweet Ginny gave me some links with tips to prevent gaps when turning the heel in socks, since she knew I was frustrated with gaps I got in them. I didn’t have the information handy, since I was away from home, so I just followed the pattern. For the first time I didn’t get any gaps when I turned the heel! Was it the pattern? If so, I love this pattern even more.
I’ve had two visits to the library recently and have come home with so many books. It’s pretty typical for me. Even when I have plenty of reading material at home, I’ll go to the library and so many books will jump off the shelves at me. I’ll carry the load to checkout at the counter, knowing I won’t have the time to read all those books. But some of them I do read and others I enjoy flipping through. I walked by a shelf full of homesteading books so naturally I came home with a few. One was not very long and even with the small amount I read each day, I’m almost finished reading it already! ‘Fresh Food from Small Spaces: The Square-Inch Gardener’s Guide to Year-Round Growing, Fermenting and Sprouting’ is really inspiring! We met a woman at market not too long ago who reads this blog and she was talking to us about wanting to garden, but having limited space. (If you are reading this Val, I highly recommend this book!) The author has lived in apartments for a long time and didn’t see any books available for how to grow your own food with very limited space, so he wrote one. It’s inspiring me to get back into sprouts again. Also, it’s rekindling things Jeff and I have been wanting to do, like growing oyster mushrooms and planting dwarf and columnar apples. It also talks about preparing for power outages and so much more. It’s a great read!
How about you? Knitting? Reading?
Head on over to Ginny’s YarnAlong if you’d like to join in.
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