If you would like to join us, see below.
…My mom finding us in the airport so we could walk to our next flight to Wyoming together. The Denver airport is huge and I likely would have gotten lost without her to lead the way.
..The fact that the zucchini (and garlic) I packed in my luggage didn’t get confiscated. It wouldn’t have been a big deal to be out a few zucchinis this time of year, but it was nice to eat them during the trip.
…Seeing new places and meeting new people.
…Getting to spend time with so much family that I hadn’t seen in a long time. I even saw a cousin I hadn’t seen since I was a kid.
…Elk burgers hot off the barbeque. With onions and garlic in them. Yum.
-Having the sweetest roommate throughout our time in Wyoming. Bracken and I had so much fun with GG (Great Grandma.)
…Seeing the magic that happens when so many people come together to create something special.
…Experiencing the most beautiful wedding ever. (More on this and our trip soon.)
…Getting on our flight to Eugene yesterday. As soon as our plane landed we went from one side of the Denver airport to the other, running most of the way, and right as we were about to be at our gate we saw them shut the door. We banged on the window and begged for them to let us on. They did. It was a miracle. I never would have made it without my mom who helped me carry my things the whole way, before she had to get on her own flight.
…Surviving four plane rides with a two year old. Every parent who has flown with a little one knows getting through it is a victory to be celebrated.
…Seeing Jeff as we came down the escalator in the airport. We missed him like crazy.
…Coming home to find a few ripe peaches on our peach tree that were beyond delicious. That tree hardly ever has fruit on it, so it’s a special treat every few years when it bears fruit.
-Being home again and watching Bracken dancing in circles in the yard singing “home, home, home!” He was so happy to be back and I know how he feels.
In your blog post, include a link back here, to this current post, so others who would like to join can find us.
What have you felt grateful for throughout your week?

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