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-Quiet, peaceful moments here and there, in the midst of a time of year that is so busy for us.
-Putting clay in our hair for the first time, after reading about it. It felt great.
-Whenever I took the extra time to make meals especially good.
-Meeting friends and playing at the park while Jeff ran some errands in town. Bless him.
-Seeing an area of town we’d never been to before. I like expanding my world.
-That Bracken really loves eating vegetables. Cauliflower, beets, broccoli, carrots, zucchini… you name it, he loves it.
-Picking zucchini from the garden each night to put in our scrambled eggs for dinner.
-Washing dishes at the kitchen sink while looking out the window and watching the hummingbirds drink nectar from the fuschias.
-Jeff delighting Bracken by asking him if he’d like to go out in the garden with him, while I had the kitchen all to myself to enjoy a little quiet.
-A cloudy day that seemed to slow our pace down a bit, which was nice (and needed.)
-Bracken pointing out the window to show me a chipmunk sitting in our favorite huckleberry bush, eating huckleberries. It was so funny to watch, that little chipmunk always makes us laugh.
-Some rain on the garden. We hadn’t had any for awhile and the plants liked it.
-Challenging days that made me stronger and more flexible, letting go of how I thought the day “should” go.
-Picking lots of juicy blackberries in the yard and having them in the fridge for delicious treats after each meal.
-Fencing in a new area for the chickens to range. They love it. And happy chickens make for happy people.
-Thinking of our midwife and then seeing her the next day. Our family was so happy to see her and spend some time with her.
-A customer paying more than I asked for (knowing I was giving a really good deal) at market yesterday. Then went I went to give them change, they left the booth before I could. Wow, that doesn’t happen every day.
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What have you felt grateful for throughout your week?

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