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-How pretty the runner bean flowers are blooming in the garden (and getting green beans to eat at last.)
-A Sunday at home in pajamas on a cloudy day.
-Cauliflower, beets, zucchini, cucumbers, radishes…. all the good vegetables this time of year coming out of the garden and from farmer’s market.
–Bone broth and onions and mushrooms. Those three things go together so well.
-Bracken waking up from his nap to see a chipmunk sitting and watching him, out the window. He was so excited.
-Talking with my mom, on skype with video, for her birthday.
-Herb tea with peppermint. So refreshing. My body has been loving it lately. I like it all year long, but it seems especially nice in the summer.
-Filling up a crock with cucumbers from our garden, to make some pickles. And then Jeff filling up another crock with 30 lbs of cucumbers from a local farm, so we will have lots of pickles to enjoy. (You’d be amazed how fast those pickles go, we all love them.)
-A kind librarian that I’m always happy to see. As soon as I see her face I brighten up and always hope she’ll be there when I visit the library.
-Jeff fixing the leaky hose.
-Stormy skies. I love the way they look.
-Morning smooches from a little love.
-Trimming the blackberry brambles so we could harvest berries more easily.
-Coming across an awesome garage sale! Jeff was stoked with his finds. Among the highlights: a ukelele and a little kid’s guitar for Bracken (totaling $2.75 together!) He played his ukelele and sang during part of the drive after that and more when he got home (then told his Aunt Sam all about it on the phone.)
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What have you felt grateful for throughout your week?
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