…Joining Ginny’s YarnAlong, sharing what I’m knitting and reading…
Finished Jeff’s socks! Yay! They fit great and he loves them. How many YarnAlongs have I been writing about these socks? Quite a few. And now they’re done, at last.
(These socks will seem like a quick project once I start knitting sweaters.)
We went outside to get some pictures and when Bracken saw me taking pictures of Jeff’s socks, he wanted his socks to be in the picture too. You can see his (mismatched) socks in the background.
Just finished Greenhorns. Enjoyed it so much!
And now, some more pictures of those socks, I’m sure happy about them.
Jeff likes to do “sock modeling poses” when I photograph his socks, which cracks me up. Then I asked him to do a normal standing pose to show them and he thought that was boring.
What better way to express love than through a pair of handknit socks?
How about you? Knitting? Reading?
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