Top Ten Influences which Boost Immunity
1) Fresh animal fats (from meats and dairy) and cholesterol-rich foods (particularly raw egg yolk.)
2) Cold-pressed oils: olive oil, fish oils, nut and seed oils.
3) Onions and garlic.
4) Freshly pressed vegetable and fruit juices.
5) Regular consumption of greens: parsley, dill, coriander, spring onion and garlic, etc.
6) Probiotic supplementation and fermented foods.
7) Contact with animals: horses, dogs, etc. Having a pet in the family can do a lot for children’s immune status.
8) Swimming in unpolluted natural waters: lakes, rivers and sea.
9) Physical activity in the fresh air.
10) Exposure to sunlight and sensible sunbathing.
I should mention that my body used to have a hard time with garlic, but over time that has changed. Now a few cloves at a time is a good amount for me.
4) Jeff makes raw vegetable juices here and there. We love them. (I should mention that Natasha does not advocate the consumption of pasteurized juice at all, only fresh raw juices.) We love juice with nettles, cucumber, parsley, ginger, celery, apple, mint, lemon, beets etc. We use whatever is in the garden at the time.
5) The greens we eat the most are kale and chard. We also love nettles, collards and add green herbs to our meals here and there. Lately our greens have been slowing down in the garden and I need to increase our greens consumption again. We were eating greens every day and I want to keep that going.
6) We eat something fermented with every meal. Sauerkraut is the fermented food that we eat most often. Lately we’ve been eating raw, fermented pickles as well.
The best probiotics I’ve found are Bio-Kult. If we could afford it, I’d like our family to take them regularly.
7) Do our chickens help boost our immunity? If so, yet another wonderful benefit of having chickens!
8) Well, we went swimming once this summer. I’d like to make that a more regular occurrence.
9) My favorite physical activity in the fresh air is gardening, walking, and yard work. Walking along the ocean is wonderful. It’s been super rainy and my visits to the garden lately have been brief, so I have not been getting as much physical activity and need more.
10) We soaked up all the sun we could during the summer. Now, in the midst of storms, our sunny season seems like a distant dream. Winters in the Pacific Northwest don’t have ample opportunities for soaking up the sun. We take cod liver oil for the Vitamin D (and eat Vitamin D rich foods), which is especially important for us in the wintertime.
{Just a note: the power just went out, then came back on. We’re having storms here. If Gratitude Sunday is a little delayed in the morning, know it’s because our electricity went out.}
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