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…Watching Bracken with his chickens. He is so sweet with them.
…Epsom salt baths.
…Realizing I’d made a mistake in my knitting before I’d gone too far.
…Finding one last bag of blueberries in the freezer. Super happy when I found it.
…Jeff waking me up one morning so I didn’t have to use an alarm clock. Much better way to wake up.
…Our friend having the courage to listen to her intuition and make big changes in her life.
…Finding affordable organic ginger when I was really craving some.
…Seeing so many boats on the river on our drive to town. (A little boy loved that.)
…The gift of a salmon caught in the river by our house, plus some smoked salmon to boot.
…Bracken thinking cleaning is fun (like scrubbing out the bath tub with baking soda, he thinks it’s a blast.)
…My mom spoiling us. It’s pretty nice to be spoiled by your mom on occasion, isn’t it?
…Watching the chickens out the window while I worked on a craft project.
…The sound of Bracken giggling with his grandma.
In your blog post, include a link back here, to this current post, so others who would like to join can find us.
What have you felt grateful for throughout your week?

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