G r a t i t u d e * S u n d a y
{Sunday’s heartfelt tradition. A time to slow down, to reflect, to be grateful. A list of gratitudes.}
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If you would like to join us, see below.
Our gratefulness feeds one another.
Throughout the week I’ve felt grateful for:
… Nasturtiums still blooming in the front yard. They are adding such bright color to the yard right now, when there’s not much color left in the garden.
…The opportunity to talk to a dear friend on the phone and how wonderful it feels to have those people in your life who just get you.
…The inspiration to get up in the woods to look for mushrooms and then finding chantrelles!
…Harvesting all our winter squash in the garden.
…Raking leaves on a fall day while Jeff cleaned out the gutters.
…Eating watermelon in the sun.
…Waking up early and being able to turn the light on without waking up Bracken.
…Simple solutions around our place to make things flow more smoothly and be a bit easier. (One example: a bigger garbage can in our bathroom, rather than the tiny one we had before that seemed to fill up in a flash.)
…Bracken gobbling up avocados like crazy. (Toddlers and low blood sugar are not a good combo and an avocado and hard boiled egg in the morning really seemed to help things till breakfast time.)
…The smell in Jeff’s workshop when he is sanding wood.
…Feeding the sunflowers to the chickens as we cleaned up the garden, and eating some ourselves.
…Baking a pumpkin in the oven on Halloween.
…Changing my mind. Bracken asked if he could help with something and I said no, but then I saw his face drop. So I said yes, watched his face light up, and felt in my heart that I was back on track.
…A crock full of sauerkraut, fermenting in the kitchen.
…Being home on a rainy Saturday. (Rather than setting up our market booth out in it.)
…Baked onions. So delicious. Want to bake onions more often now.
You can read more about the inspiration for Gratitude Sunday here.
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What have you felt grateful for throughout your week?
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