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…The last few hydrangea flowers still hanging on.
…Warm fire on a cold day.
…Chicken soup with garden greens (nettles, chard, kale), parsnips, carrots and onions.
…The daily ritual of gathering eggs with Bracken.
…People to remind me about the clocks changing and such things.
…Carpooling with friends.
…Hand-me-downs for Bracken.
…Good reminder about what fills us up.
…Sweet meat squash. A delicious variety. (If I remember correctly, Jeff’s Aunt Isla recommended it to us.)
…Jeff handing me a warm mug of elderberry ginger tea in the morning.
…Bracken in the yard, surrounded by his chickens. Just the way he likes it.
…Meeting my goal of knitting a little bit every day, even if it’s just a few stitches. (Rather than just knitting during car rides and at market.)
…A talk with my mom that made my heart happy.
…Meals made. Laundry hung. Laundry put away. Rooms cleaned.
…My mom giving me the idea to make soup with all our squash leftovers. (It was delicious with homemade bone broth and onions.)
…A few (rare) quiet moments to myself when I really needed it. Appreciate every bit I get.
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What have you felt grateful for throughout your week?

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