If you would like to join us, see below.
…Bracken walking over to me and handing me a calendula flower while we were out in the garden together.
…Jeff helping me get out the door, as he has on so many occasions. I never would have been on time without him. And I ended up being early.
…Learning an easier, faster way to drive somewhere than the route I had been taking before.
…Stepping out of my comfort zone and being glad I did.
…Having a family drum circle when our souls were all yearning for some music making.
…Watching an old video Jeff took of our yard and seeing how much we’ve fixed things up over time. Oh look, that’s before we planted the blueberries. That’s before the chicken coop was there. Look at the garden back then!
…Waking up in the night to the sound of rain and the sleeping breathing of my loves.
…Sipping and savoring a warm mug of tea in my hands.
…Bracken’s joy whenever I got away from work, went outside, and gave him my full attention.
…Jeff and I being so happy to see Bracken when he woke up from his extra long nap. We missed him.
…Carrying our sleeping, bigger-all-the-time boy up to bed. I love the feeling of carrying him in my arms and looking at his sweet sleeping face.
…Going for a walk outside with Bracken and finding huckleberries to eat by the peach tree.
…All the things Bracken likes to help with in the kitchen. Peeling garlic, scooping squash out from the skins, making lemon water…..
…Looking at pictures of Bracken’s birth and remembering it all again. The very first picture of him coming out, he has such soulful calm eyes and that picture goes straight to my heart.
…The most delicious kimchi I ever tasted, brought by our weekend visitor.
…A bonfire, having help, and progress cleaning up an area of the yard.
In your blog post, include a link back here, to this current post, so others who would like to join can find us.
What have you felt grateful for throughout your week?

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