We left about 8:30 that morning and didn’t get home until around 8. It was a long day for us. At different points throughout the day, I realized that we really need a cellphone again. Our pay-as-you-go tracphone ran out of minutes awhile back and it was a tight month for us with money so we didn’t renew it. But it’s feeling again like something that’s important to have. Many different situations have reminded me of that lately.
Jeff is on the mend. If you know Jeff, you know it takes a lot to knock him down. In the past he always fought illness like a battle, which always made it last so much longer. I’ve felt proud of him that he’s been learning to surrender to it more over the years, letting it run it’s course. He’s been taking it easy, doing bits of woodburning work here and there and then resting when he’s tired. He’s frustrated that he doesn’t feel great immediately, but he’s making improvement. This week has been a challenge. Daily life is a lot of work for us on a normal day, but when one of us is sick it can make it really hard. I got our market stuff unloaded from the car. I’ve been hauling loads of firewood from the woodshed. Keeping the house warm. Making meals. Doing dishes. Washing and hanging laundry. Packing up orders. Mailing out packages. Checking on Jeff. Caring for Bracken. Trying to keep up on the business (falling behind on e-mails.) But I can’t get it all done in a day. (It makes me even more grateful for everything that Jeff does every day and makes me realize again what a good team we make.) It’s Wednesday and I still have a mountain of laundry in the pantry and have yet to get caught up on dishes. Oh well. The house is warm and everyone is fed. Yesterday Bracken and I went to the grocery store. On the way there I decided to stop and vacuum out the car. I vacuumed the trunk, then put everything that was in the car back there. I cleaned out all the garbage.. the gas receipts and bits of tangerine peels from the weekend and all those things. I vacuumed and vacuumed and what a good feeling! (Bracken honked the horn a few times and was pushing buttons while I worked. At the grocery store I noticed our back taillights wouldn’t go out. I had a feeling it was some button that Bracken had pushed, but I couldn’t find anything. Luckily, when we got home, Jeff found a button behind the steering wheel that Bracken had pushed and it fixed it!) There was so much that needed to be done that day and vacuuming out the car was not something that needed to be done, but it brought me so much peace to have one area of our life that was clean and orderly in the midst of so much craziness. Some days, you’d be amazed what a little vacuuming can do for your mental state!
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