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…The beautiful, vibrant green watercress in the front yard. What a good sight this time of year.
…Waking up before Bracken so I could read for just a bit. I savor any chance I get to read.
…Getting some orders finished and mailed out that were hanging over me.
…Keeping a gratitude journal. It gets me to think of things to be thankful for, no matter how hard the day. And in the spirit of gratitude seems like the best way to end the day.
…Giving Bracken his very own journal so he could draw in his while I write in mine. Before bed, I’d say “journal time” and he’d ask for his flashlight, journal, and “clicky” pen and head under a blanket tent. Sometimes he’d head under the blanket first and I’d see a little hand sticking out, saying “please mama” and I’d hand him his supplies.
…That Jeff got a chiropractor appointment at the last minute when he needed one. And for the perfect timing too!
…Dropping off a box to the thrift store. Yay- a little less clutter and stuff in our house!
…Morning Glory Farm being open so we could buy some frozen blueberries. We had been completely out and missed our nightly blueberry treat immensely!
…Mornings when Bracken woke up in such a good mood. Happy, giggly, affectionate. It was contagious.
…Senses of humor and the people in my life who make me laugh on a daily basis!
…Opening up avocados when they were perfect inside. It’s always a gamble, making the good ones even more appreciated.
…Hearing a beautiful sound when I was in the kitchen and walking into the living room at night to see Bracken sitting on the floor, happily strumming mama’s guitar. That boy loves his music.
…Fresh sprouts in the middle of winter.
…Jeff fixing my computer so I could print from it again. For some reason it wouldn’t print anything anymore and I’m clueless about those things so I’m glad Jeff knows what he’s doing.
…Homemade french onion soup.
…Bracken’s bud being just the right age difference and size difference to keep us in fresh hand-me-downs!
…Jeff and Bracken making chicken salad together. It was delicious.
…Productive home days. I love those.
…Fresh pressed juices with a changing variety of: carrot, wheatgrass, cucumber, celery, beet, apple, lemon, ginger.
…Beautiful colored eggs. We adore the different colored eggs our chickens lay and last week got a green one with brown speckles and one that was pink like a rose. There was much excitement.
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