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…Seeing some green daffodil shoots popping up in the yard. I showed them to Bracken and he immediately went and got a container and started watering them. (Nevermind they’ve had winter rain to do that, he loves to water the garden all times of year.) It’s really sweet to watch how much he cares for the plants.
…Lots of eggs gathered each day and brought in from the coop, feeding us well.
…The fact that Jeff can take just a few ingredients and make them taste so good.
…All of the fencing that friends have given us over the years that they didn’t have a use for anymore and the old fencing that we had around here to re-use, so that we didn’t have to pay a thing to put up the new chicken yard.
…Being able to get an outside project done. We don’t get as much time to work on those as we would like, so I’m glad we got that time.
…A rare middle of the night conversation (we both woke up and couldn’t sleep) with a great guy I get to call my husband.
…Bracken going over and picking out a necklace for me to wear, the night before our town day (when we usually pick out our outfits, rather than early the next morning.) I thought it was the cutest thing.
…Feasting together on a salmon a friend shared, that was caught in the river by our house. Delicious and special.
…Jeff having breakfast ready and waiting for us to eat when Bracken and I needed to leave early one morning. (Usually breakfast is the meal I make every day, but he kindly does that on days we leave early.)
…The constant need for hauling firewood keeping us active in the winter time.
…Fun with friends.
…Bracken wanting to help me tie buttons on cards and sitting by my side as we worked together. He carefully took the tiny cords and was able to get them through the buttonholes with some practice (then he had mama do the “tying” part.)
…Coming downstairs to a warm house and a fresh raw veggie juice. Thanks Jeff.
…Living room cleaned and swept, firewood hauled, laundry hung, chickens fed, eggs collected, dishes washed, meals made. And the satisfaction that comes from getting those things done.
…A mug of nettle peppermint tea. No matter it was cold by the time I drank it, it still tasted delicious to me.
…Bringing the recycling and garbage to the dump. I love that we don’t have to go there very often and I’d like to reduce it even more so we create as little waste as possible.
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