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…Daffodil shoots popping up through the snow, reminding us that life is still there under the surface.
…Getting the garlic bed weeded out back. Felt good to get my fingers in the dirt again. (That happened before the snow arrived.)
…Bracken finding the first flower.
…Pulling some weeds and giving them to the chickens. So much more satisfying than throwing them in the compost.
…Trimming Bracken’s hair. Think it was my best job yet (but I still have so much to learn about cutting boy’s hair.)
…Peeling the bark off a few logs and bringing the bugs that were found there, to the chickens. (One of Bracken’s favorite things to do.)
…Getting my knitting patterns a bit more organized.
…Hauling two heavy loads of firewood up the hill in the wheelbarrow. Good exercise!
…My first time sledding in Oregon. The fun of being snowed in. And snowballs. And watching Bracken catch snowflakes in his mouth. And all the fun things that come with snowfall.
…Bracken doing a dance around the house and singing ‘Yay! Yay! Yay!’ when Grandma called.
…Watching little best buds hug and say I Love You. It melts my heart and brings tears to my eyes every time.
…Friends bringing food to cook for lunch.
…Waking up in the morning with a view out the window, looking up as big snowflakes fell down from the sky.
…Jeff cleaning the kitchen window on the outside and the inside. How nice to have a clearer view as we wash dishes at the sink.
…Knitting time while the electricity was out. That’s what I look forward to every time the power goes out!
…Watching Bracken’s play change as he gets older. Seeing his imagination in action is so fun.
…The snow melting (and looking like we’ll be able to drive to town today and get some groceries we’re all out of.)
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