If you would like to join us, see below.
…New growth.
…Weeding around the grapes (in the rain) and blueberries (in the sun) and bringing them to the chickens.
…Jeff digging up herbs in our garden to share with a friend.
…A visit to the woods to see the trillium.
…How good it is for our souls when we get time outside each day.
…The smell of homemade french onion soup cooking on the stove. It was a very good batch.
…Days with sunshine shining through the windows and lighting up the house. A treat after dark, rainy days.
…Waking up to the sweetest e-mail from my sister that kept bringing a smile to my face the rest of the day. Her words really made my heart happy.
…Bracken bringing flowers over to me while we were in the garden. A dandelion, two tiny daisies, and some little pink ones I don’t know the name of.
…Extra cleaning around the house.
…Play time with friends.
…The two fish in the front pond swimming freely and seeming much happier after Jeff and Bracken cleaned it out a bit.
…Finding a cashmere sweater at the thrift store in my favorite color (green) for only $3.27! Right size and right budget too.
…Time outside. Fresh mountain air. Hauling loads of firewood. Exercise.
…Grandma calling and helping things when we were having a hard morning.
…Jeff surprising me and making the chicken soup that I was going to make for lunch one day when I was feeling overwhelmed and stressed (even though he was plenty busy too.)
…Laughing while we listened to Car Talk Radio on the drive to town. Those brothers really crack us up.
…Another early morning, working by headlamp while Bracken slept. I love having productive time in my day before Bracken even wakes up.
…Being outside to witness the gentle breeze covering everything with pink blossoms.
…Home time.
In your blog post, include a link back here, to this current post, so others who would like to join can find us.

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