If you would like to join us, see below.
…The green, green, green of spring.
…Jeff and Bracken planting wheatgrass regularly so we have it available for juicing.
…A coldframe full of starts.
…Laying right on the earth when I was so exhausted one day. I layed with my belly to the ground, then enjoyed my bare feet in the grass (it was so warm out that day.) It rejuvenated me a bit and it felt wonderful.
…Peas planted and the garden season beginning!
…Cutting up onions (while Jeff was on the phone) and then Jeff sauteing them and making french onion soup (after passing the phone to me, while I finished chatting with our friend.) Many meals have a touch of both of us in the making, which I like.
…Jeff making breakfast (the meal I usually make each day) so I could sit on the couch and read books with Bracken when he was feeling under the weather.
…A new batch of sauerkraut ready, that turned out especially good. We’re always in major need of it, since it’s the fermented food we eat most around here and we love it so much.
…Bracken falling asleep next to me for a few minutes while I read aloud from my book. It wasn’t bedtime yet and he popped back awake after a few minutes, but it was a nice little snooze. (And some reading time for me.)
…Coming inside with a whole basket full of eggs, that nourish us so well each day.
…First nettles of the season and Jeff going out in the pouring rain to harvest them for us.
…Calling my grandma and Bracken and I saying: “surprise!”
…Serving a delicious dinner and dessert to my loves. Nothing makes me happier than being able to nourish them with good food.
…A funny movie: exactly what we were in the mood for on Friday night.
…Making a pot of chicken soup that fed us well for lunch and dinner. (Isn’t it great to go hungry over to the stove and have something all ready to eat?)
…Hearing of people doing kind things for each other.
…Connections with kindred spirits, made through this space.
…Knowing you can always start again the next day and try something new.
In your blog post, include a link back here, to this current post, so others who would like to join can find us.

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