The Tuesday before last we had our last class for the winter session of Rainbow Bridge and I finished this little doll. I’ve been meaning to share her here. I’m calling her a snow angel because that’s what she looks like to me. I adore her bonnet. I really enjoy making dolls now and get excited about the next handwork project each time a new session of the class starts. I’ll be attaching a little cord to her and hanging her up on the wall. I thought she would make a wonderful ornament, but I want to see her hanging up all the time and not just once a year. I love giving the dolls I make to Bracken. He plays with “Daisy” all the time (her wings have since been removed and I stitched little eyes and a mouth on her.) The moonbaby was an exception, it hangs on the wall in our bedroom. This snow angel will be an exception too. It just felt to me like she had a different purpose as I was making her and I like to think of her as a little guardian snow angel, watching over us. (Her rosy cheeks, in case you were wondering, were done by coloring on a cloth with a red beeswax crayon. Then rubbing the cloth lightly on the doll’s face. The rosy cheeks are adorable, I think, and it makes her look like she just came inside from playing out in the cold.) Lately Bracken has been playing with toys and dolls in a whole new way and it’s really fun to watch. It’s inspiring me to make more dolls for him and the wheels have been turning in my head with ideas.
On another note: we sing different songs for different seasons during our class. I wanted to write two winter songs down, so we won’t forget them. I thought you might enjoy them too:
Where do you come from, little flakes of snow?
(Traditional German Song)
Oh, where do you come from,
you little flakes of snow?
Falling, falling, softly falling
on the earth below.
On the trees and on the bushes,
On the mountains afar,
Tell me snowflakes do you come from
Where the angels are?
Quiet, quiet,
make not any noise
make not any noise
Listen, listen,
to the gentle voice
to the gentle voice
All of nature rests below
Waiting for spring’s warming glow
(Movements that go along with the second song: 1) Finger to lips, 2) Hand cupping ear, 3) Hands waving back and forth along the earth/ground, 4) Hands rising upward and then outwards towards sun.)
Bracken loves those songs and wants to sing them often, especially the second one with the hand movements. The only white outside our door right now are trilliums, not snow. I thought I best post these, as winter will be gone before we know it!
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