…Joining Ginny’s YarnAlong, sharing what I’m knitting and reading…
I’m back to knitting those socks for Jeff. I brought them along on our trip to Washington, thinking all that time in the car would give me ample knitting opportunity, but I didn’t have much to show for it when we returned. When I wasn’t driving, I was usually playing with Bracken in the back and not knitting much. Now I need to get a move on it because I want to finish these socks in time for Jeff’s birthday and I haven’t even started the second one! It won’t be long before I get to the toe on this first pair. Can I finish the first and knit the second in time for his birthday in the beginning of April? We shall see.
The deeper I get into ‘Parsnips In The Snow’, the more I love it. I love hearing the different gardener’s stories. Different places, different experiences, yet all sharing a similar love. I believe it’s my third week in a row mentioning this book. It takes me a while to get through a book these days, as my chances to read are few and far between, but I’m happy to be savoring this one.
How about you?
Knitting? Reading?
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